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Evaluation of the Most Influential Criteria of Desirability of High-rise buildings in Urban Landscap

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Evaluation of the Most Influential Criteria of Desirability of High-rise buildings in Urban Landscape by Using ANP

Original Article, D53
Salehi N, Zabihi H, Zarabadi ZS.
J. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(3): 345-352. 2014

ABSTRACT: Tall buildings are defined as signs and certain points in urban view, if located and constructed properly, and their appropriateness indicators based upon urban view by determined Strategies, policies, rules and regulations, shall play significant and peculiar role in upgrading the quality of life of citizens. Quality upgrade of urban public places, once will find its optimal process and fulfilment that indicators such as impact on strategic views, definition of sky-line, legibility participation as a sign, impact on inseparable environment and etc., to be based upon ideas of experts, stakeholders and utilizing effective and scientific methods. Since there are various ideas about most effective indicators of appropriateness for tall buildings, the objective of the article is the identification of most effective indicators of appropriateness for tall buildings (using Analysis of Network Process, ANP). This article as a descriptive analysis research method and was based on documentary-library studies, field surveys, going directly to the beneficiary organizations and competent owners, and also was based on questionnaires. Accordingly, first extracting issues associated with the tall buildings and the urban view and then providing ANP conceptual model which includes three benchmarks and several indicators and the results of the surveys were analysed with the software SUPER DECISION. Due to the sheer size of the operation, only a few of inputs were written in the article as samples. The results of this study shows that the most effective criteria of tall buildings, performance indicator 0.75 and the most effective indicator “impact on strategic views” is value of 0.277 that in determining its policies and strategies should be prioritized to tall buildings which shapes an optimal urban view.
Keywords: High-rise Buildings, Urban Landscapes, Impressive Indicators, ANP.


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