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Study of road bases construction in Saudi Arabia using foam asphalt

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Study of road bases construction in Saudi Arabia using foam asphalt

Hamad I. Al-Abdul Wahhab a,⇑, Mirza G. Baig a, Isam A. Mahmoud b, Hisham M. Kattan c
a Department of Civil Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
bDammam Municipality, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
c Roads and Heavy Equipment Department, Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia


a b s t r a c t
This paper summarizes the research carried out to compare the performance of foamed asphalt pavement
mixes with conventional crushed aggregate for the construction of road bases. The research work focused
on the investigation and evaluation of the feasible use of foamed asphalt technology for Saudi roads using
marginal quality construction materials, marl, and reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) materials for local
applications. Materials included the Ministry of Transport (MOT) granular base class A and B, subbase
material class B, and reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) material. Foamed asphalt mixes were designed
for subbase class B (foamed SB) and RAP (foamed RAP) material utilizing low percentage of Portland
cement. Foamed asphalt mixes were optimized to meet dry and wet indirect tensile strength (ITS)
requirements. Designed mixes in addition to granular base class A and B were evaluated for CBR, dynamic
resilient modulus at 25 C and wheel tracking test dry at 50 C and soaked at 22 C.
Results indicate that base class A has the lowest rutting followed by base class B then foamed SB and
finally foamed RAP for dry condition at 50 C, while foamed RAP has the lowest rutting followed by
foamed SB then base class B and finally class A for soaked condition at 22 C. Portland cement was effective
in reducing ITS loss of foamed asphalt mixes. Resilient modulus testing indicated that SB mix has
behavior comparable to base class A. Foamed RAP mix has shown the best behavior. Saturation has
reduced resilient modulus of all mixes significantly. Foamed asphalt technology can be used successfully
to construct road bases from locally available marginal or recycled materials.

2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Foamed asphalt
Granular base

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