Application of Bed Sill to Control Scouring Around Cylindrical Bridge Piers
Original Article, B21 Razi S, Salmasi F, Hosseinzadeh Dalir A and Farsadizaeh D. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 2(3): 115-121. 2012.
ABSTRACT:Results are presented from laboratory experiments to investigate the effectiveness of bed sills in reduction of scour depth at cylindrical piers under clear water flow condition. The experiments were performed in a flume with 6.0-m-long, 0.8-m-wide, 0.5-m-deep and zero longitudinal slope. During experiments a bed sill with 10-mm-thick, 0.6-m-length and 0.15-m-height equal to sand bed deep was used. The scour depth in front of the piers becomes negligible as the bed sill placed upstream the piers, but it is to be noted that the scour downstream of the piers in this case is more than when the bed sill placed the downstream of the piers, i.e., risk of reduction of bed surface because of local scour and particularly general scour will be increased as the bed sill placed upstream the piers. The best location for the bed sill is suggested downstream and about snap of the piers. In this case the reduction percent of scour depth in front of the piers is about 29% in the best configuration. Keywords: Scouring, Cylindrical Piers, Bed sill, Scour reduction
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