Spatial Analysis of Urban Inequality in Qazvin Province
Original Article, C45 Salehi M, Budaqov B. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 3(5):300-309. 2013
ABSTRACT:As a descriptive-analytical study, this paper aims to investigate and analyze spatial inequalities among different cities of Qazvin province during 1976-2006, using statistical models and software. Regarding population, social, economic, health, cultural, infrastructural, transportation and communicational indicators in 25 cities of Qazvin province, Qazvin, Abgarm, Narje are most developed, and KhakAli, Sagez Abad, Aavaj, Abgarm, Zia Abad, and Sirdan, are deprived cities, respectively. Coefficient of variance model indicates the most inequality belongs to cultural indicator and the least belong to social indicators. Based on the results of the study, economical factor is more effective on spatial structure of all cities in Qazvin. Moreover, infrastructural and cultural factors are influential in cities of the province. Keywords:Spatial Analysis, Statistical Analysis, Urban Inequality, Qazvin Province
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