Usage Alteration of the Nazlu-Chay River of Iran due to Excessive Exploit of Its Material Includes Sand and Gravel in the Lake Urmia Catchment
Original Article, D38 Esmat Saatloo M, Esmat Saatloo J, Merufinia E, Siosemarde M. J. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(3): 251-255. 2014
ABSTRACT: From Ancient times rivers were so essential for human beings and they had a major role in the formation of societies and civilizations. Construction of dams, pollution due to the sewage vacating and excessive exploit of sand and gravel located within the kip of the river are the main factors which affected the environment. These affections are so obvious and since there was no strict control over the exploit operations, the ecosystem is ruined severely. According to the scope investigations linked to the exploit of sand and gravel most of the exploitations are done from the bottom scope of river. These exploitations had led to severe destruction of solid quality, hydrology system of river and brutes. It is worth to point out that the drawbacks of these exploitations is not only limited to the scope of river but also we can see ruins traces within beach scope and other scopes of the river. Some direct influence of exploits includes: river hydraulic alteration, sediment place and river scope morphology. Keywords: Environmental on sequences, River ecology, Sand and Gravel exploit
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J. Civil Eng. Urban., 4 (3) 251-255, 2014.pdf