Preparation and Characterization of Activated Carbons from Furfural Production Wastes
Original Article, B1 Bostancioglu M, Şeref O. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 2(1): 01-05. 2012.
ABSTRACT:This study has been focused on research activated carbons which were prepared from furfural production wastes. The effects of the lower impregnation ratios to chemical structure and surface texture were determined. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and SEM analysis were studied for characterization. The FTIR results showed that there was no important change among the activated carbon samples with different acid impregnation ratios. Micro and mezopore formations were observed at lower impregnation ratios compared with the pyrolyzed char and increasing the impregnation ratio caused to macropore formation on the surface texture at SEM photographs. Keywords: Activated carbon, furfural, chemicalactivation, characterization
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