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13 نتیجه پیدا شد

  1. بادبندهای همگرا (CBF) و واگرا (EBF) - پروژه درس مهندسی زلزله استاد اسمعیل آبادی دانشچو مهران شجاع شفیعی فایل پی دی اف در 33 اسلاید منبع بادبندهای هم گرا و واگرا.pdf
  2. Development of Eccentrically Interconnected Braced Frame (EIC-BF) for seismic regions Morteza Bastamia,⁎, Roohollah Ahmady Jazanyb a Structural Engineering Research Center, International Institute of earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), No.192 Arghavan St. North Dibaji, Farmaniyeh, Tehran Province, Tehran, Iran b Department of Civil Engineering, East Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University (IAU), Ghiamdasht, Emam Reza Blvd, Afsariye, Tehran, Iran A B S T R A C T This study aims to develop an Eccentrically Braced Frame (EBF) system, which is so called Eccentrically Interconnected Braced Frame (EIC-BF), by proposing an innovative Structural Fuse (SF) using a very thin midheight gusset plates with specified details for seismic regions. In the proposed structural system, as a low damage or repairable system, the mid-height gusset plate, as a replaceable centric shear link that connects four eccentric brace segments, behaves as a SF so concentrates most of large deformation and stress demand and dissipates the large amount of energy imposed by lateral loading. In order to investigate the effect of the proposed SF with the specified details, i.e. mid-height gusset plates with proposed details, on the seismic behavior of EIC-BF, nine three-fourth scale cyclic experiments were conducted. This research describes the results of the experiments elaborately and evaluates the cyclic responses of the studied EIC-BFs with respect to their utilized details. The results show that establishing the specified details and design parameters including eccentricity value of braces at mid-height gusset plate, mid-height gusset plate thickness and the stiffener configuration at mid-height gusset plate improves the seismic performance of EIC-BF in term of story drift angle by up to 32% as well as reduces the considerable pinching in cyclic response; while prevents main structural elements including beam, columns and braces from undergoing inelastic behavior. Keywords: Eccentrically Braced Frame (EBF) Mid-height gusset plate Corner gusset plate Structural Fuse (SF) Out-of-plane buckling Dissipated energy منبع دانلود از پیوست Development_of_Eccentrically_Interconnected.pdf
  3. ورکشاپ طراحی مهاربندهای واگرا و کاربرد در ETABS 2016 - مهدی علیرضایی فیلم به مدت تقریبی 105 دقیقه تهیه شده توسط گروه پولادسازه و با تدریس دکتر مهدی علیرضایی منبع دانلود دانلود از پیوست هم امکانپذیر است Dr_Alirezaei_vagara_pooladsaze.ir.part1.rar Dr_Alirezaei_vagara_pooladsaze.ir.part2.rar
  4. طراحی لرزه ای مهاربند واگرا مطابق با ضوابط ویرایش 87 مبحث دهم دکتر نوید سیاه پلو عضو هیات علمی موسسه آموزش عالی جهاد دانشگاهی خوزستان واحد اهواز فایل پی دی اف در 29 صفحه به نقل از کانال تلگرام civilca دانلود از پیوست طراحی بادبند واگرا.pdf
  5. نشریه تخصصی همراه ناظر - شماره 3 بهمن و اسفند 95 نکات فنی ، حقوقی و ایمنی در بازرسی ، نظارت و اجرای ساختمان مدیر مسئول و سردبیر : مهندس سیامک الهی فر شامل مطالبی در مورد : روز و هفته مهندسی بازدید از پلاک های مجاور قبل از تایید فروم شروع به کار مهم ترین ابزارهای اقتصادی برای دستیابی به ایمنی و توسعه پایدار در ساخت و سازهای شهری نکات مهم در طراحی ، نظارت و اجرای مهاربندهای واگرا ( برون محور یا EBF ) نگاه نظام مهندسی تهران ، شاخص است تراکم بتن روانگرایی بتن ماده 100 قانون شهرداری ها و وظایف شهرداری ، مهندسان ناظر ساختمان و دفاتر اسناد رسمی مکانیسم خرابی پلاسکو و لزوم مطالعات مهندسی ایمنی سازه ها در آتش اخذ تعهدات سلیقه ای و فاقد وجاهت قانونی از مهندسان ناظر در شهرداری ها تجاوز بوم جرثقیل به حریم خیابان و ساختمان های اطراف و عدم رعایت نکات ایمنی هوای سرد و راهکارهای محافظت از یخزدگی بتن غفلت نظام مهندسی از ظرفیت اعضای شاخص سازمان نهم فروردین 95 روزی مهم در تاریخ سازمان نظام مهندسی استان تهران به نقل از کانال تلگرام همراه ناظر Hamrahenazer_Journal_No3.pdf
  6. Direct Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Eccentrically Braced Steel Frames Gerard J. O’Reilly & Timothy J. Sullivan Abstract A series of eccentrically braced frames (EBF) are designed and subjected to nonlinear analyses to highlight ambiguities and differences in current seismic design provisions for EBF structures. This provides motivation to implement better guidance for the checking of local displacement demand considerations and move towards a displacement-based design approach. A recently proposed direct displacement-based design (DDBD) procedure for EBFs is then described and further developed in this paper through the calibration of a spectral displacement reduction factors that relate the displacement of an inelastically responding structure to that of the equivalent linear representation used in the DDBD of EBFs. Such an expression is calibrated as part of this study using an experimentally validated numerical model also proposed here for the EBF links such that the actual hysteretic behaviour of the links is well represented. The DDBD guidelines are applied to EBF systems from 1 to 15 storeys in height and their performance is verified via nonlinear dynamic analyses using two different sets of design spectrum compatible ground motions. The results of the study indicate the robustness of the proposed DDBD method in limiting the interstorey drifts to design limits for a variety of EBF systems with short links, thus demonstrating that the proposed DDBD method is an effective tool for seismic design of EBFs. TandF_1485618928.rar
  7. Seismic Behavior of Direct Displacement-based Designed Eccentrically Braced Frames A. Mohebkhah* , S. Farahani Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran Direct Displacement-Based Design (DDBD) is a performance-based seismic design method that has been proposed and well developed over the past two decades to design RC frame structures, shear walls and bridges. In this method, an equivalent single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) substitute structure is utilized to estimate seismic displacement demands of a multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) system. Although this method has been used to design the above mentioned structures, however, there is just one comprehensive DDBD method to design steel eccentrically braced frames (EBFs) in the literature. The purpose of this study is to investigate nonlinear seismic behavior of the DDB designed EBFs with short, intermediate and long link beams and estimate their seismic demands. To this end, twelve 3, 5, 9 and 12-story EBFs were designed using the proposed DDBD method. To simulate the nonlinear cyclic behavior of link beams, a macro-model proposed in the literature was adopted and validated with the available tests results. In order to describe material nonlinearity of the framing members in the macromodel, distributed plasticity fiber based model was used. After validating the FEM macro-modeling technique of link beams, seismic behavior of the 2D EBFs was investigated with nonlinear time-history analysis under a set of selected earthquake records using the structural analysis software OpenSees (ver. 2.4.0). The results showed that the DDB designed EBFs generally can reach their anticipated performance level. دانلود DDB Designed EBFs.pdf
  8. EVALUATION OF DIRECT-DISPLACEMENT BASED SEISMIC DESIGN METHOD FOR EBFs Amin MOHEBKHAH Assistant Professor of Structural Eng., Dept. of Civil Eng., Malayer University, Malayer, Iran amoheb@malayeru.ac.ir Sina FARAHANI M.Sc. Student of Structural Engineering, Dept. of Civil Eng., Malayer University, Malayer, Iran sina_farahani459@yahoo.com, sina.farahani@stu.malayeru.ac.ir Keywords: Direct displacement-based design, Steel eccentrically braced frame, Seismic behavior, Nonlinear dynamic analysis, Performance level Recent research in the field of earthquake engineering has seen the development of number of different displacementbased seismic design (DBD) methods. Such methods aim to overcome limitations with the force-based design methods incorporated in current codes. The most developed DBD method currently available is the Direct DBD approach, described and investigated in a text by Priestley et al. (2007). While the guidelines in the DDBD code have been relatively well tasted for RC structures, further verification and development is required for steel frame systems. There is just one comprehensive study can be found on DDBD of eccentrically braced frames (EBFs) which has been published recently by Sullivan (2013). The study presented by Sullivan (2013), has been focused of DDBD of EBFs with short (shear) link beams. Therefore, the aim of present study is to evaluate the ability of DDBD method for designing EBFs with intermediate and long link beams. To this end, three five-storey EBFs with short, intermediate and long link beams designed using the DDBD method proposed by Sullivan (2013). Figure 1 shows the case study EBF structures selected for examination in this paper. دانلود منبع 00390-SD.pdf
  9. چگونگی کنترل عملکرد برشی و یا خمشی تیر پیوند بصورت دستی و یا با استفاده از نرم افزار ETABS 2015 فیلم و فایل آموزشی PDF به نقل از کانال تلگرام دکتر مهدی علیرضایی دانلود از پیوست AlirezaeiChannel_Note04.pdf Short Link or No- ETABS2015.wmv
  10. 8558

    کنترل قاب دوگانه ( قاب خمشی + بادبند واگرا)

    در مورد کنترل فایل سازه دوگانه ( خمشی متوسط + همگرا ویژه ) نحوه کنترل درصد باربری 50 و 25 چطوره؟ کلا میتونید یه توضیح بدبد نحوه تنظیمات آیین نامه ای چطور باشه. از ایتبز 2013 و حالت ضرایب بار استفاده کردم
  11. سلام. با توجه به بحث آیین نامه مربوط به ضریب رفتار قاب EBF در صورت حاکم بودن حالت خمش و یا حالت برش آیا استفاده از دو سیستم در یک جهت مانعی ندارد؟ در صورت استفاده چه کنترل هایی صورت پذیرد؟
  12. یک دفترچه محاسبات مربوط به طراحی یک سازه فولادی 4 طبقه به روش حالات حدی ( LRFD ) در زمستان 92 توسط مهندس ایمان صادقی سیستم سازه ای در یک جهت مهاربند واگرا ( EBF ) و در جهت دیگر قاب خمشی است. به نظر میرسد که محاسبات بر اساس ویرایشهای قبلی ایین نامه ها انجام شده است صحت محاسبات لزوماًً مورد تایید نیست منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content] Folad-Iman Sadeghi-LRFDwww.omranDL.ir.part1.rar Folad-Iman Sadeghi-LRFDwww.omranDL.ir.part2.rar
  13. Evaluation of hysteretic behavior of eccentrically braced frames with zipper-strut upgrade Seyed Mehdi Zahrai a, Milad Pirdavari b,⁎, Hamid Momeni Farahani b a Center of Excellence for Management and Engineering of Civil Infrastructures, School of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, The Univ. of Tehran, P.O. Box 11365/4563, Tehran, Iran b Ati-Naghsh Hamraz Consultants, Inc. Suite 8, No. 73, Jalale Ale Ahmad, P.O. Box 1446665718, Tehran, Iran a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 28 August 2012 Accepted 28 December 2012 Available online xxxx Keywords: EBF Zipper strut Hysteretic behavior Pushover analysis Finite-element Cyclic loading This paper describes the seismic behavior of Eccentrically Braced Frames (EBF) upgraded using zipper-struts which connect the mid-point of shear links in all stories. The numerical modeling of the zipper-strut-equipped model is conducted using finite-element method software under cyclic load, with the goal of evaluating the behavior of shear links. The interaction of shear links and zipper-struts is also studied. Furthermore, the prototypes are subjected to nonlinear static (Pushover) analysis in two configurations; one with moment-resisting connections and one with pinned connections. Finally, the increase of ductility coefficient for the prototypes with zipper-strut is studied. The prototypes are also subjected to time-history analysis using scaled earthquake records, with the purpose of studying the energy parameters of the models. The unbalanced shear force is distributed among all stories due to the added continuity among shear links. This results in the extension of structural displacement capacity according to acceptance criteria. Moreover, a noticeable delay occurs until shear links experience enough rotation to meet Collapse Prevention acceptance criteria. By imposing acceleration on the structure and conducting time history analysis, it is observed that the zipper-strut-equipped system shows a stronger tendency to form shear links, leading to greater dissipation capacity in plastic zone Journal of Constructional Steel Research 83 (2013) 10–20 منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content] media.pdf

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