Equivalent Static Analysis of the Kabud Tower of Maragheh
Original Article, C41 Khodayari R, Karimi Moridani K, Yadegari A. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 3(5): 260-264. 2013
ABSTRACT:This paper investigates the behavior of masonry materials under lateral loads. The specific structure investigated in this paper is The Kabud Tower which is attributed to Hulagu khan’s mother and is related to Seljuk era in1197 BC (539 Hegira). Since this structure is made of two distinct parts, stone and brick with mortar, modeling of the elements is limited to distinct ways with contact bond in ANSYS. Because the first step for strengthening is detecting of the weak points, the structure was analyses against lateral loads. Concerning the existence of crack on the structure, this structure was modeled on cracked and non –cracked models and then effect of present crack on the behavior of the structure was investigated. Keywords: Masonry structure, kabud tower, equivalent static analysis, modal analysis
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