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موقعیت مکانی


  1. باسلام و عرض ادب خدمت تمام مهندسین گرامی. . من به یه مشکلی برخوردم. من در نرم افزار اتبس میخوام سازه 6 طبقه دارای مهاربند کمانشتاب تحلیل و طراحی کنم. برای انتخاب مقطع مهاربند دو تا انتخاب دارم (کور بریس و استارسایزمیک) وقتی از مقاطع استار سایزمیک استفاده کردم و مساحت هسته را برای ناحیه تسلیم شونده وارد کردم بعد از انجام تحلیل استاتیکی معادل و بعد از طراحی در گزارش طراحی دیدم که مساحت هسته را حدود 4 برابر مقدار ورودی من در نظر گرفته. علت چیست؟ و یک مورد دیگه در تعیین رفتار غیرخطی مهاربند در این نرم افزار است که از بین مشخصات مورد نیاز من قسمت سوم را (که در تصویر ضمیمه مشخص کردم) از نظر مفهومی متوجه نمیشم و نمیدونم چه مقادیری را باید وارد کنم؟ ممنونم میشم کمکم کنید.
  2. QUALITY OF COMPUTERIZED BLAST LOAD SIMULATION FOR NON-LINEAR DYNAMIC RESPONSE ANALYSIS OF FRAMED STRUCTURES کیفیت بار انفجار شبیه سازی شده کامپیوتری برای تحلیل پاسخ غیر دینامیکی سازه ها شبیه سازی شده با برنامه SAP2000 منبع @civilbest_پاسخ_دینامیکی_سازه_در.pdf
  3. Performance-based Design Modeling for Nonlinear Analysis طراحی بر مبنای عملکرد فایل پی دی اف در 109 اسلاید به زبان اصلی دکتر نوید انوار Performance_based_Design_Modeling.pdf
  4. Nonlinear Analysis Research and Development Program for Performance-Based Seismic Engineering Published: December 16, 2013 Author(s) Gregory Deierlein, Peter Behnam, Finley Charney, Laura Lowes, Jonathan Stewart, Michael Willford گزارش بسیار ارزشمند و کامل NIST در زمینه مدلسازی و تحلیل غیرخطی برای مقاصد طراحی لرزه ای بر اساس عملکرد Abstract This work is an extension of NIST GCR 09-917-2, Research Required to Support Full Implementation of Performance-Based Seismic Design, in which several research topics were identified as high-priority in terms of fostering full development and implementation of performance-based seismic engineering. These included: (1) improvement in analytical modeling and demand assessment capabilities for buildings in near-collapse seismic loading; and (2) clarification and coordination in the translation of test results to currently used performance levels. This project intends to advance the practice of nonlinear dynamic analysis so that it can be used more widely and with more confidence, enabling widespread adoption of performance-based seismic engineering. This entails addressing the gap between state-of-the-art academic research and state-of-the-practice engineering applications of nonlinear analysis, structural modeling, and computer simulation. It also entails improving state-of-the-art techniques to more reliably capture the full range of structural response than is currently possible with methods that are in use today. Taken as a whole, the program presents a suite of initiatives that, if implemented, would improve nonlinear dynamic analysis capabilities, and identify procedures that are suitable and attractive to practitioners, while maintaining levels of accuracy commensurate with research models. Citation: Grant/Contract Reports (NISTGCR) - 14-917-27 Report Number: 14-917-27 NIST Pub Series: Grant/Contract Reports (NISTGCR) Pub Type: NIST Pubs Download Paper Local Download Keywords NEHRP Consultants Joint Venture, ATC, Program Plan, Research Needs منبع Nonlinear_@sharifstructure.pdf
  5. Evaluation of Nonlinear Response of Structures to Near-Fault Ground Motions and the Comparison of Results with Near-Fault Simulated Records M. Askari; Hasan Aghbarati Near-fault ground motions have caused very much damage in the vicinity of seismic sources during recent earthquakes. It is well known that under specific circumstances, intensive ground shakings near fault ruptures may be characterized by short-duration impulsive motions. This pulse-type motion is generally particular to the forward direction, where the fault rupture propagates towards the site at a velocity close to shear wave velocity. Ground motions affected by directivity focusing at near-field stations contain distinct pulses in acceleration, velocity and displacement histories. These ground motions can generate much higher base shears, inter-story drifts and roof displacements as compared to far-fault ground motions. Since structures under the effect of destructive earthquakes enter an inelastic phase, so the study of inelastic behavior of structures under the effect of such earthquakes seems to be important. This study examined maximum acceleration, velocity, displacement of the roof mass center, inter-story drifts and base shears of building in inelastic state at moment steel frame buildings designed on the basis of buildings design code against earthquake (2800 Standard, the third edition) under the near-fault records and the comparison of these parameters with the simulated ones. The results indicate that the maximum demand of drift of stories, acceleration, velocity, displacement of roof mass center and inelastic base shear and the way of hinge formation in non-linear state under the near-fault records is the same as simulated records in short buildings. Moreover, the more the height of structure becomes, the more different the behavior of structure becomes and the response is affected by more faults or errors. منبع دانلود JSEG311354307400.pdf
  6. Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Joints with Bond-Slip Effect Consideration in OpenSees Original Article, C53 Karimi Moridani K. and Zarfam P Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 3(6):362-367. 2013 ABSTRACT:In this study the effects of bond-slip modelling in reinforced concrete structures based on analytical equations has been investigated. TEE joint from the cap beam to the column at a location connection of the bridge is considered. The work refers, especially to the implementation of reinforcing bars and bond-slip models between steel and concrete in the developed finite element program. In order to assess the bond-slip effect, the OpenSees finite element model of the TEE joint is constructed. CEB-FIP analytical method of bond-slip is considered with nonlinear behaviour parameters from materials. Also, It is performed Nonlinear time history and pushover analysis. Based on analytical equations, the results show that taking into account the bond-slip effects in the reduction of stiffness, ultimate capacity and energy dissipation. Keywords:Bond-Slip model, beam-column connection, OpenSees, Nonlinear analysis, Bridge منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,53-362-367.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,53-362-367.pdf
  7. طبیعت تحلیل های غیرخطی از پیچیدگی قابل توجهی برخوردار است. از این میان، تحلیل غیرخطی مادی (material nonlinearity) قسمت مهمی از این دسته تحلیل ها را تشکیل می دهد. آگاهی از مدل های رفتاری مواد، در انتخاب درست پارامترهای مدلسازی، ایجاد انتظار منطقی از نتیجه تحلیل غیرخطی، پی بردن به محدودیت های مدلسازی و مواردی از جنبه های مختلف قابلیت اعتماد مدل های تحلیلی حائز اهمیت فوق العاده است. مجموعه ای که به پیوست ارایه می شود تعدادی از مقالات پر اهمیت در این زمینه است که به جرات می توان گفت از جمله معتبرترین رویکردهای مدلسازی رفتار مواد در سازه های بتن مسلح به شمار می رود. امیدوارم این مجموعه برای علاقمندان آگاهی از مبانی مدلسازی رفتار غیرخطی خالی از فایده نباشد. لینک دانلود: [Hidden Content] Material_Model_Journals_ASCE.part2.rar Material_Model_Journals_ASCE.part1.rar

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