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تمامی مطالب نوشته شده توسط admin

  1. Evaluating Earthquake Disaster Management in the Worn Urban Texture (Case Study: Farameh Neighbourhood, Damavand City) Original Article, D7 Ghasemi Azadkhani M. J., Ahmadi Disfani Y. and Tavassoli M. R. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(1): 41-46. 2014 ABSTRACT: Urban vulnerability to environmental hazards in the countries with the natural and risky environment has been an important challenge in urban sciences, engineering sciences, management and urban planning. This study tries to emphasize influential role of urban planning indicators along with structural indicators of earthquake programs by presenting a method to analyze seismic vulnerability of worn textures, and intends to identify and develop the relationship between urban planning and earthquake disaster management, in order to reduce the seismic vulnerability of old texture of Farameh district in Damavand city. The significance of seismic vulnerability of Damavand city, especially worn textures and spaces of its central parts, regarding the natural unsecure bed and the position of central parts of the city, necessitate estimation of old (worn) textures of central parts of Damavand and prioritize offering instructions to reduce its seismic vulnerability. First, vulnerability position of Damavand city is studied emphasizing on Farameh district, and then Farameh neighborhood is introduced as study area of the research. In analysis level, first the amount and data of indicators are extracted and then weighing of these indicators are studied using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Expert Choice. Finally, the design of construction vulnerability scenarios will be discussed, using the results obtained from the analysis of the indices in AHP model. It was concluded that expansion and population coverage of high and very high vulnerable areas is high (in central parts and core of the texture), and all in all it indicated high vulnerability of the areas regarding all analyzed physical factors against earthquake. Keywords:Earthquake Vulnerability, Physical Indicators, Urban Planning, Disaster Management, Worn Textures, Farameh Neighborhood منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,14-07-41-46.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,14-07-41-46.pdf
  2. Effects of Pipe’s Roughness and Reservoir Head Levels on Pressure Waves in Water Hammer Original Article, D6 Mansuri B., Salmasi F. and Oghati Bakhshayesh B Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(1): 36-40. 2014 ABSTRACT:Water hammer is a transient flow in pipes that was created by suddenly change in velocity in pipes. This phenomenon can cause serious positive and negative pressures in pipes and often with several hazards in pipelines. Overall water hammer creates by closing valves rapidly, suddenly shut off or restarting pumps, and has one of most destructive hydrodynamic phenomena in pressurized pipelines. In this study, governing equations about water hammer is numerically solved by using MATLAB programing language, and then sensitivity analysis in pressure fluctuations has been investigated by changing some effective variables such as pipe roughness type and reservoir head. Numerical solution is based on characteristic lines method. Results show that with increasing in pipe roughness, negative and positive pressures ranges, decreased. Also increasing reservoir water level causes intensive negative and positive pressures in pipe. Keywords:Water hammers, Transient Flow, Pump, Positive and Negative Pressure, MATLAB منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,14-06-36-40.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,14-06-36-40.pdf
  3. Role of Urban Planning in Decreasing Damages Results of Earthquake in Human Habitats Original Article, D5 Khakpoor B. A., Davarinezhad M and Mabhoot M. R Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(1): 28-35. 2014 ABSTRACT:Modern cities by reasons some as type of site selection, unsuitable physical development, heed nonentity of necessary standard and etc. always are subjected perils of nature disaster same as Earthquake. One of the most important items in decrease the wastage of earthquake, is the previous readiness of a society for crash to Earthquake, that can use with Planning scheming, cities could be designed and programmed that caused for control and decrease the undesirable finals and were involved the least damage to them. Increase the quantity of values such as slope of the earth, density of population, construction density, building age and distance from open spaces, is cause to decrease the cities vulnerability, that when the earthquake happen term in very short time by reason of unsustainable of elements and urban spaces in front of the earthquake forces and absence the public penchant, physical damages one obtained in different burble in the cities ambiance. These physical damages are caused to creation the convict, financial and work harms relation and so is cause to economic and social damages and hogtie the urban system. Given the fact that of crisis management in urban programming is important, and special for decreasing the content of harms and human casualty are countered by hazard, it can help to decrease the somatic, economic and social losses. Based on the early course of crisis management, decrease the vulnerability of city in front of the earthquake, just by using the construction preface is impossible and must be consider the human behaviors that they are cause to increase or decrease the vulnerability. Nevertheless the aim of this article is appraisal the social vulnerability of human in front of the earthquake and checking the role and station the crisis management and urban programming in decrease the losses due of that. Keywords:Human Habitats, Crisis Management, Earthquake منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,14-05-28-35.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,14-05-28-35.pdf
  4. Evaluating the Conventional Pushover Procedures for Estimating the Seismic Performance of Steel Plate Shear Walls Original Article, D4 Behforooz B., Memarzadeh P. and Behnamfar F Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(1): 19-27. 2014 ABSTRACT:The seismic performance demands of steel plate shear wall (SPSW) are estimated through the conventional pushover procedures. Reliability of the pushover analysis is verified through nonlinear time history analysis (NTHAs) on 9-, 6- and 3-story SPSW frames subjected to seven scaled earthquake records according to ASCE/SEI 7-05 provisions. Story drifts, displacements and story shears are the main parameters studied. A relatively accurate estimation is observed by pushover procedures compared to NTHAs. The accuracy of estimation shows an increase with respect to the height. Keywords:Steel plate shear wall; conventional pushover analysis; nonlinear time history analysis منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,14-04-19-27.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,14-04-19-27.pdf
  5. Green Roof, a Pattern of Traditional Roofs' Architecture in Mazandaran Original Article, D3 Valinejad Shoubi M. and Tizghalam Zonouzi S Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(1): 14-18. 2014 ABSTRACT:Building roof as an element in the building which has the maximum contact with abnormal environmental factors (wind, rain, sun and atmospheric pollutants) has always been addressed and emerged in different forms in different climates. Mazandaran is the name of a region located at the north of Iran with a mild and humid weather with high raining. The natives of this region like different regions of the word have achieved the most optimal form proportional to the climate over time, which has devoted a great portion of identity indication of this region to itself. People of this region where a mild and humid weather has, have used natural forage as a pattern in their roofs which is applied as green roof today. This green roof pattern in Mazandaran has been converted into green earthen roofs during its evolutionary steps. Green roof can be known as the result of a positive environmental, ecological procedure which attempts to balance the surrounding environment to decrease the load of abnormal environmental factors. The obvious and hidden positive effects which the green roofs in this region possess, have changed it into a unified factor in all buildings of Mazandaran. The main issue of the paper is written regarding to the survey researches, the study and recognition of different kinds of steep roofs in Mazandaran and its evolutionary direction and the effects which it has on the buildings of this region. The hypothesis of this paper is that there are equal semantic definitions in some components of building in mild and humid regions of the word but the method of facing with these components is different according to the culture of each region. Green roof in Mazandaran region has a different body but the equal meaning as like the other regions of the word. Keywords:Mazandaran; Green Roof; Culture Pattern; Vernacular Architecture; Sustainable Design منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,14-03-14-18.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,14-03-14-18.pdf
  6. Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Total Dissolved Solid in the Simineh River, Iran Original Article, D2 NematiS, Naghipour L and Fazeli Fard MH. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(1): 08-13. 2014 ABSTRACT:This research aims to model Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) values at the Simineh River in northwest Iran by application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to evaluate existing water quality conditions and also to predict future conditions in this river. The input parameters of the ANNs model are Calcium (Ca), Chloride (Cl), Magnesium (Mg), Sodium (Na), Bicarbonate (HCO3), Sulfate (SO4), and water discharge (Q) from 1993 to 2011. The performance of the ANNs model was assessed in accordance with Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and coefficient of determination (R2) between the measured and predicted values. The study also includes an estimation of the relative importance of these variables to determine appropriate input combinations. A method is used in this paper to calculate the relative importance of each input parameters, showing that magnesium and calcium concentrations are the most and least influential parameters, with approximate values of 18 and 12 %, respectively. The ANNs with different numbers of neurons in the hidden layer were constructed, and the model with 14 hidden neurons was selected as the best. Comparisons between the measured and predicted values show that the ANNs model could be successfully applied and provide high accuracy and reliability for water quality parameters forecasting. Keywords:Artificial Neural Networks, Total Dissolved Solid, Simineh River, Relative Importance, Water Quality منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,14-02-08-13.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,14-02-08-13.pdf
  7. A Comparison between Performances of Turbulence Models on Simulation of Solitary Wave Breaking by WCSPH Method Original Article, D1 Mahmoudi A., Hakim zadeh H. and Ketabdari M .J Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(1): 01-07. 2014 ABSTRACT:The modeling of Solitary wave breaking is an important subject in coastal and marine engineering, because the damage associated with tsunamis is related to their wave breaking and run-up on the shoreline. In this paper a space-averaged Navier–Stokes approach has been deployed to simulate the Solitary wave breaking on a plane slope. The developed model is based on the smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) method which is a pure Lagrangian approach and can handle large deformations of the free surface with high accuracy. Since breaking waves are characterized by high distortion, the turbulence modeling has been of major concern in such simulations. For this study, the large eddy simulation (LES) model was chosen as the turbulence model to couple with the weakly compressible version of the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (WCSPH) method to simulate the Solitary wave breaking on a plane slope. In order to investigate the Effects of turbulence models on numerical simulations of wave breaking, the results of present study were compared with experimental results and numerical data found in the literatures. The results shown that turbulence modeling have a strong influence on the quality of the results. Furthermore, capability of the WCSPH method along with a LES approach to simulate the Solitary wave breaking on a plane slope was compared with result of ISPH method in the literatures. Finally, it is shown that the WCSPH coupled with LES model performs better than ISPH method. Keywords:WCSPH, solitary wave, Turbulence model, LES منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,14-01-01-07.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,14-01-01-07.pdf
  8. کنترل آرماتور حداقل در etabs مشابه مبحث نهم است و میشود به نتایج آن در این مورد اعتماد کرد. در مورد آرماتور حداکثر هم همین وضعیت وجود دارد و انطباف کافی بین آن دیده میشود. جهت اطمینان منوال نرم افزار را مطالعه کنید
  9. نوع Material مهم نیست مهم اینست که وزن آن را در قسمت Unit Weight عدد کوچکی بدهید. بهتر است در قسمت ِDeck Shear Thickness هم عدد کوچکی بدهید ( یک میلیمتر که پیش فرض ان است به نظر مناسب است) چون شما فقط میخواهید که وزن درست محاسبه شود و خود دال سقف را در ETABS طراحی نمیکنید
  10. Evaluating Various Factors in Calculation of Scour Depth around Bridge Piers Using HEC-RAS Software, CSU2001 and Froehlich Equations Original Article, C59 Mousavi S.F and Daneshfaraz R. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 3(6):398-402. 2013 ABSTRACT:Today, scour is one of the important issues in river and coastal engineering science. Most of the existing structures exposed to the flowing water are destroyed by this phenomenon. Determining relationship between parameters influencing scour depth and maximum depth of scour, and also finding dominant function of them is one of the important issues in hydraulic engineering. Many equations and software have been presented by researchers to calculate local scour, such as Hec-Ras software. Ignorable errors of this software in vitro test make it one of the nominated options in evaluating local scour depth. Hec-Ras software uses CSU and Froehlich (1991) equations to calculate local scour. In this study, software output and manual calculation output of CSU and Froehlich equations were compared. Results of empirical equations and Hec-Ras in the scattering length of Haraz River were compared with each other to create equal hydrological and hydraulic conditions. Reviewing the Froude number, its measurement, and the effective coefficients of common empirical equations and software has significant effect on changes of these parameters in the results. The study also indicate that equations used in Hec-Ras will have acceptable results if their coefficients are examined with sufficient engineering , accurate perspective and controlling use or non-use of coefficients in ranges closer to the defined boundary. Keywords:Local Scour, Empirical Equations of Local Scour, Froude Number, Bridge Pier, Hec-Ras منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,59-398-402.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,59-398-402.pdf
  11. Optimization of Energy Consumption in Buildings with Architectural Design Compatible with Environment and Climate Original Article, C58 Karkeh Abadi Z and Mesgarian H. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 3(6):392-397. 2013 ABSTRACT:Extremely valuable fossil fuels and huge national investment in the recovery of fuel costs highlight the need to improve the structure and patterns, energy efficiency necessary to use. Damaging effects of fossil fuels on the environment and the nature have created risks in the lives of citizens, especially in today's metropolises. Thus, considering the use of native and adaptive knowledge in today architecture is crucial. Therefore, the present paper aims to investigate the environmental and climate effects on sustainable construction and constrains with the environments in hot and dry regions and its effect on optimization of energy consumption in the green architecture compatible with nature in city Damghan. Accordingly, besides use of library resources, required information was collected through field and descriptive –analytical methods in order to different aspects of climate effects on architecture and building in the studied region were considered. The obtained result indicate that traditional architecture consistent with Damghan climate, is totally in accordance with sustainable architecture principles and besides saving energy consumption, has a complete compatibility with the environment. Keywords:Damghan, Energy Consumption, Environment, Iran, Sustainable Architecture منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,58-392-397.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,58-392-397.pdf
  12. Optimization the Distance between Piles in Supporting Structure Using Soil Arching Effect Original Article, C57 HosseinianS. and Cheraghi Seifabad M Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 3(6):386-391. 2013 ABSTRACT:High cost value of traditional methods for stabilization of pit, encouraged the engineers to study more about soil characteristics and its application. Arching effect is one of these characteristics, it allows to designers apply non-continuous structural elements to provide safety and economy of project. To investigate arching effect of retained structure with anchorage method, Plaxis 3D Tunnel software is used to model fine-grain (CL-ML) with hardening soil behaviour which simulate soil material. In first model, the distances between piles are 2m and number of anchors are 5. In second model, the distance between piles are 4m and number of anchors are 3. The numerical modeling results show horizontal arching appearance in distance between piles. A comparison between the results gained from the 3D FE analyses and the more or less conventional method shows that the classical method is very much on the safe side. Keywords:Arching effect; Excavation; Anchorage method; Plaxis 3D Tunnel software منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,57-386-391.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,57-386-391.pdf
  13. The Assessment of Road Network Vulnerability in Formal and Informal (slum) Urban Tissues to Earthquake Hazards With Crisis Management Approach (Case study: Zone 1 Tabriz) Original Article, C56 Kamelifar MJ, Rustaei Sh, Ahadnejad M, Kamelifar Z. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 3(6):380-385. 2013 ABSTRACT:The urban road network is one of the main components of the city’s lifelines that especially after crisis play significant role including the rescue operation, evacuation of the wounded and ... So the analysing of the urban road network besides planning for reducing these harms, are inevitable. In this paper, to evaluate urban road networks vulnerability of Zone 1 of Tabriz, 3 main criteria of density, level of inclusion and building features were employed which each of these criteria are divided into some sub-criteria that these sub-criteria were weighted using Delphi method. Ultimately, after evaluation of roads vulnerability in terms of each criterion, the layers were overlaid using multi criteria evaluation. The obtained results show that, the roads network vulnerability in region 1(planned tissues) is lower than middle and about 61 percent vulnerability of them is very low. The very high vulnerability is observed mostly in informal settlements area that it is about 96 percent. Keywords:Crisis management -Vulnerability-Urban road network. منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,56-380-385.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,56-380-385.pdf
  14. Study of Non-linear Dynamic Behavior of Structures with Steel Shear Wall under the Near Fault Earthquakes Original Article, C55 Soltani P. and Tabatabaei Mirhosseini R. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 3(6):372-379. 2013 ABSTRACT:This paper deals with study of the steel shear walls and dynamic analysis of such structures under the earthquakes near fault. The studied frames in this paper have a span in 4-meter width and 3-meter height and are included 3 spans. We studied the dynamic of frames after modeling the frames in ABAQUS and giving the earthquake acceleration records near Kobe, Lomaprieta, and Northridge. The results showed that the increase of number of storey increases maximum storey displacement of moment frames. The increase of thickness the shear wall also will decrease the displacement of maximum storey because of decreasing the non-linear effects of shear wall and the delay on submission. Therefore, Base shear in moment frames of 3, 6, and 12-storey, not only depends on maximum acceleration and acceleration records, but also depends on the form of acceleration records. By increasing the number of the storey, this efficacy will be decreased so that the maximum acceleration would be more effective on the storey shear increase or decrease. We can say, by increasing the number of storey of vibration mode, maximum acceleration of storey has the regular process in each 3 acceleration record. It seems that the acceleration of storey not only is based on the type of acceleration record but also is based on the other elements such as increasing the thickness of shear wall and number of the storey. Maximum response in the last storey would not that change by increasing the thickness of shear wall but in the response of other storey, has 6 storey especially storey 3, 4, and 5 in the frame. We can conclude that acceleration of the storey compared to acceleration of column has had the increasing process, by watching the response of acceleration record. The increase of shear wall also decreases the acceleration of storey. Keywords:Dynamic Analysis, Near Fault, Steel Shear Wall, ABAQUS Software, Base Shear منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,55-372-379.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,55-372-379.pdf
  15. Experimental Study of Bell-Mouth Intakes on Discharge Coefficient Original Article, C54 Naderi V, Farsadizadeh D, Hosseinzadeh Dalir A, Arvanaghi H. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 3(6):368-371. 2013 ABSTRACT:The strong vortices at the mouth of an intake reduce the discharge efficiency. One of the solutions for controlling the vortex is the use of bell-mouth intakes. Since only general guidance for use of bell-mouth intakes is available a study for the more shapes of mouth of intake is needed. Hence, a comprehensive set of experiments have been carried out using 4 different mouth-shapes of a vertical intake. The results showed that with reducing the radius of curvature of bell-mouth intake, the coefficient of discharge rate increased, and maximum discharge coefficient with four different mouth shape of intake with the radius of curvature of 2d was created. Keywords:Discharge coefficient, bell-mouth intake, vortex, radius of curvature of mouth of intake منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,54-368-371.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,54-368-371.pdf
  16. Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Joints with Bond-Slip Effect Consideration in OpenSees Original Article, C53 Karimi Moridani K. and Zarfam P Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 3(6):362-367. 2013 ABSTRACT:In this study the effects of bond-slip modelling in reinforced concrete structures based on analytical equations has been investigated. TEE joint from the cap beam to the column at a location connection of the bridge is considered. The work refers, especially to the implementation of reinforcing bars and bond-slip models between steel and concrete in the developed finite element program. In order to assess the bond-slip effect, the OpenSees finite element model of the TEE joint is constructed. CEB-FIP analytical method of bond-slip is considered with nonlinear behaviour parameters from materials. Also, It is performed Nonlinear time history and pushover analysis. Based on analytical equations, the results show that taking into account the bond-slip effects in the reduction of stiffness, ultimate capacity and energy dissipation. Keywords:Bond-Slip model, beam-column connection, OpenSees, Nonlinear analysis, Bridge منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,53-362-367.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,53-362-367.pdf
  17. Floodplain Vegetation Contribution to Velocity Distribution in Compound Channels Original Article, C52 HamidifarH. and Omid M.H Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 3(6): 357-361. 2013 ABSTRACT:The flow in compound open-channel is characterized by a complex flow structure due to the interaction between the main channel and floodplain which is often home to a lot of kinds of vegetation. This paper describes the results of an experimental study on the influence of floodplain vegetation on velocity distribution in compound channels. For vegetation on the floodplain, rigid cylindrical rods 1 cm in diameter are used. The local flow velocities for different densities of vegetation were measured using a 3D acoustic Doppler velocimeter. The results showed that that after implanting the vegetation over the floodplain, the depth averaged velocity over the floodplain increases whereas it increases in the main channel. Also, the depth averaged velocity decreases in both the main channel and floodplain with an increase in the vegetation density. The maximum value of the streamwise velocity was found to decreases with vegetation density. While it was found that a major vortex forms in the main channel for smooth floodplain, two distinct vortexes (free surface and bottom vortexes) were observed for the tests with vegetated floodplain. Keywords: Compound channel, Vegetation, Floodplain, Velocity distribution, Secondary currents منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,52-357-361.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,52-357-361.pdf
  18. The Hydraulics of Flow in Non-Prismatic Compound Channels Original Article, C51 Yonesi H.A., Omid M.H and Ayyoubzadeh S.A Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 3(6):342-356. 2013 ABSTRACT:This paper investigates the effects of floodplains' roughness the on hydraulic overbank flow in compound channels with non-prismatic floodplains. Experiments are carried out using three divergence angles and three roughness sizes on the floodplain. The velocity was measured using a three dimensional acoustic Doppler velocimeter and directional current meter in a lattice along the divergence channel with different depth ratios. Velocity distributions on the half-width of the channels in three portion of the flume (entrance, middle and end of the divergence) were measured. Using the experimental data about the values of the shear stress, depth–averaged velocity, roughness coefficient, turbulence parameters and divided discharge between the main channel and floodplain, the water surface slope was evaluated. Also these results were compared with the prismatic compound channel and also compared using the Shiono-Knight method. Keywords:Diverging compound channel, Roughness ratio, Angle of divergence منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,51-342-356.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,51-342-356.pdf
  19. Removal of Cadmium from Soil Resources Using Stabilized Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles Original Article, C50 Nasiri J, Gholami A, Panahpour E. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 3(6):338-341. 2013 ABSTRACT:Studying the removal of environmental pollutants such as heavy metals is important from various aspects, particularly human health-related issues. The present study evaluated the effect of zero-valent iron nanoparticles on the removal of cadmium from soil resources. To this aim, zero-valent iron nanoparticles were made with carboxymethyl cellulose stabilizer. Based on the results of cadmium removal from contaminated soil by application of nanoparticles, the distribution of cadmium in different parts of the soil was as follows: carbonate > exchangeable > oxide > residual > dissolved. Generally, the results of this study suggest that zero-valent iron nanoparticles are suitable adsorbents for removal of cadmium. Moreover, using polymer coatings such as carboxymethyl cellulose leads to increment of sustainability and diffusion of nanoparticle suspensions which in turn increases the removal efficiency of bioenvironmental pollutants. Keywords:Iron Nanoparticles, Cadmium, Bioenvironmental Pollutants, Soil Resources منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,50-338-341.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,50-338-341.pdf
  20. یک پروژه بارگذاری به صورت فایل پی دی اف در 129 صفحه تهیه شده توسط آقای یاسر رشیدی زیر نظر دکتر ابراهیم قیاسوند (دانشگاه بوعلی سینا ) بر اساس ویرایش 4 آیین نامه 2800 و مبحث ششم ویرایش 92 منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content] bargozariwww.icivil.ir.rar
  21. A Comparison of Bituminous Coal-Based and Coconut Shell-Based Activated Carbon for Removal of Trace Hazardous Air Pollutants in Landfill Gas Original Article, C49 Athappan A, L. Sattler M. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 3(6):331-337. 2013 ABSTRACT:This study explored adsorption as a method of controlling hazardous air pollutant emissions from landfill gas (LFG). In particular, the study compared bituminous coal-based (BPL) and coconut shell-based (OVC) activated carbons as adsorbents for the hazardous landfill gas constituents para-, ortho-, and meta-xylene; ethylbenzene; and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK). Experiments were designed to replicate typical field usage conditions, using ambient temperature and relative humidity values, and testing the carbon as is, without pretreatment to remove moisture. BPL and OVC carbons from Calgon Carbon were tested in vials, with initial headspace concentrations ranging from 2130 to 5020 ppmv (86 to 120 mg/m3). Pollutant concentration remaining in the headspace at equilibrium was measured using an SRI 8610 gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector. Tests were conducted at 45-70% relative humidity and room temperature. Adsorption curve fits of Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms (LI and FI) were determined for each compound and each type of activated carbon. For MEK, BPL and OVC adsorption capacities were similar for all concentrations. For ethylbenzene and the xylene isomers, however, OVC coconut shell-based carbon had a higher adsorption capacity at lower concentrations, but BPL coal-based carbon had a higher capacity at higher concentrations. This is likely due to the greater external surface area for OVC carbon, and the greater internal surface area for BPL carbon. For both carbons, at low concentrations adsorption capacity was highest for ethylbenzene, at intermediate concentrations highest for para-xylene, and at high concentrations highest for ortho-xylene. For ethylbenzene and MEK, the Freundlich isotherm fit the data better; for the xylenes, the Langmuir isotherm generally fit the data better. Manufacturer isotherms, developed for ideal conditions, predicted significantly higher maximum adsorption capacities than those determined in this research. Both bituminous coal-based and coconut shell-based activated carbons showed promise for removing hazardous air pollutants from landfill gas, for different concentration levels. Keywords:Adsorption, Landfill Gas, Hazardous Air Pollutants, Xylene, Ethylbenzene, MEK منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,49-331-337.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,49-331-337.pdf
  22. در اجرا در گوشه ها مصالحی نداریم و فقط جوش داریم در مدلسازی در etabs در گوشه ها هم مصالح داریم برای یکسان سازی مساحت مقطع در دو حالت به جای اینکه دو برابر ضخات ورق به ابعاد خارجی ورقها به عنوان بعد ستون اضافه کنیم یک برابر آن را اضافه میکنیم تا جبران نبودن مصالح در گوشه ها در اجرا بشود
  23. وقتی شما در دو دهانه متوالی بادبند قرار میدهید تعداد ستونهای متصل به بادبند به جای 4 ستون به 3 ستون کاهش می یابد و از طرف دیگر در ستون وسط از یک بادبند نیروی محوری کششی و از دیگری نیروی محوری فشاری منتقل میشود و در نتیجه این دو نیرو خلاف هم بوده و اثر کاهنده دارد و ستون برای نیروی محوری کوچکتری طراحی میشود پس عملاً دو ستون به جای 4 ستون با سایز بزرگ خواهید داشت. همین مساله در طرح کف ستون و پی هم صادق است
  24. Runoff Estimation Based on Stochastic Optimization Method Original Article, C48 Nikbakht Shahbazi A. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 3(5):323-330. 2013 ABSTRACT:Despite widespread use of Curve Number (CN) as main parameter in SCS equations for estimating runoff of basins with limited data, its capability in appropriate estimation of runoff has always been controversial. In this study, ability of CN method has been studied in estimating runoff through the application of a stochastic optimization method and within the framework of SCS equations. In stochastic method, sensitivity of statistical distributions, number of statistical samples and range of CN changes on accuracy of calculations have been studied through the application of Monte Carlo Simulation. The used stochastic method is based on the rainfall and runoff information. For this purpose, rainfall and runoff modeling are first selected and probable distribution functions, governing these events, are specified. Then, rainfall and runoff modeling are produced in different sample sizes within random modeling. Produced samples of rainfall and runoff are evaluated based on the specific criteria and specific runoff modeling is selected. The selective runoffs and number of experimental curves are used in SCS equations, rainfall modeling is calculated and their probable functions are determined. Based on Kolmogrov-Smirnov Test, optimal curve number (CNOPT) is set between produced distribution functions and initial probability distribution function governing rainfall events. Also, average and mean curve number (CNAVG,,CNMEG) has been studied. Statistics of basins representing Kasilian and Emameh (Northen Iran) has been used with the aim of studying efficiency of stochastic method. In Kasilian Basin, the runoffs, calculated through the use of CN OPT, enjoyed the minimum error than observational runoffs. This emphasizes desirable capability of CN method in estimating runoff of the basin but stochastic method was unenforceable in Emameh Basin due to the shortage of rainfall and runoff events. Keywords:Curve Number, Monte Carlo Simulation, SCS Method, Statistical Distribution Function, Stochastic Method. منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,48-323-330.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,48-323-330.pdf

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