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Investigation of the link beam length of a coupled steel plate shear wall

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Investigation of the link beam length of a coupled steel plate shear wall

M. Gholhaki and M.B. Ghadaksaz
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, P.O. Box 35195-363, Iran
(Received January 19, 2015, Revised June 27, 2015, Accepted August 26, 2015)
Abstract. Steel shear wall system has been used in recent years in tall buildings due to its appropriate behavior
advantages such as stiffness, high strength, economic feasibility and high energy absorption capability. Coupled steel
plate shear walls consist of two steel shear walls that are connected to each other by steel link beam at each floor level.
In this article the frames of 3, 10, and 15 of (C-SPSW) floor with rigid connection were considered in three different
lengths of 1.25, 2.5 and 3.75 meters and link beams with plastic section modulus of 100% to the panel beam at each
floor level and analyzed using three pairs of accelerograms based on nonlinear dynamic analysis through ABAQUS
software and then the performance of walls and link beams at base shear, drift, the period of structure, degree of
coupling (DC) and dissipated energy evaluated. The results show that the (C-SPSW) system base shear increases
with a decrease in the link beam length, and the drift, main period and dissipated energy of structure decreases. Also
the link beam length has different effects on parameters of coupling degrees.

Keywords: coupled steel plate shear wall; link beam; nonlinear dynamic analysis; plastic section modulus

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