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فیلمها از لینکهای زیر هم قابل دانلود یا مشاهده است:

01 Introductory Tutorial

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02 Select Commands

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03 Draw Commands

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04 Mass and Modal Analysis

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05 P-Delta Analysis

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06 Nonprismatic Sections

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07 Interactive Database Editing

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08 Area Edge Constraints

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09 Tension-only Bracing

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10 Response Spectrum Analysis

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11 Modal Time History Analysis

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12 Section Designer

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13 Cardinal Points

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14 Displaying Tabular Data

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15 Creating Reports

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16 Cable Objects

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17 Tendons

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18 Gap Elements

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19 Nonlinear Staged Construction

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20 Nonlinear Shear Walls

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21 Static Pushover Analysis

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22 Power Spectral Density

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23 Wave Loading

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24 Model Alive

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25 Open Application Programming Interface

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26 CSiLoadOptimizer

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27 Buckling Factors and Modes

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28 Varying Mass in Seismic Analyses

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29 Fast Nonlinear Analysis

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30 Web Activated Licensing

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31 Automated Wind Loads (18:43)

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32 Steady-State Vibration (17:36)

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33 Modeling Beam-Column Joint Flexibility (12:05)

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34 Concrete Shell Reinforcement Design (16:56)

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    • hamidt

      hamidt 1

      تاریخ عضویت :
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    • behzad.g

      behzad.g 39

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    • mohsen6176

      mohsen6176 0

      تاریخ عضویت :
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    • ramin1357

      ramin1357 4

      تاریخ عضویت :
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    • rahmatii

      rahmatii 34

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    • saeede-k

      saeede-k 18

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    • mehran7240

      mehran7240 32

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    • farbodkhani

      farbodkhani 88

      تاریخ عضویت :
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    • BehrouzMoradi

      BehrouzMoradi 15

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    • admin

      admin 1,755

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