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Quasi-static cyclic tests on super-lightweight EPS concrete shear walls

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Quasi-static cyclic tests on super-lightweight EPS concrete shear walls
Seyed Amin Mousavi a,⇑, Seyed Mehdi Zahrai b,c, Asghar Bahrami-Rad d
a School of Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
b Center of Excellence for Engineering and Management of Civil Infrastructures, School of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
c University of Ottawa, Ont., Canada
d Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, AmirKabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 13 May 2013
Revised 1 February 2014
Accepted 3 February 2014
JK wall
Lightweight concrete
Low strength concrete
EPS concrete
Cyclic test
Shear wall
a b s t r a c t
This study introduces a new emerging structural system, called JK system, which uses JK walls as its main
structural elements. JK wall, first proposed by Joseph Kiefer, is a kind of shear wall constructed with lowstrength/
super-lightweight Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) concrete and reinforced by JK panel, JK stiffener
and some additional steel rebars. The study experimentally examines behavior of three JK wall specimens
with different reinforcement and level of gravity loads under quasi-static cyclic loading. Obtained results
indicate that JK walls can sustain large ductility demands accompanied by stable hysteresis loops. All
specimens are also numerically investigated in order to obtain a reliable analytical tool. In this paper,
it is shown that a low-strength concrete, currently recognized as a nonstructural material, can be used
as a structural concrete having a satisfactory behavior. Finally, a seven story building with JK system is
considered to numerically study the above claim. However, more studies are still required to fully capture
all short and long term features of structural EPS concrete elements.


Engineering Structures 65 (2014) 62–75


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