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Using friction dampers in retrofitting a steel structure with masonry infill panels

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Using friction dampers in retrofitting a steel structure with masonry infill panels
Seyed Mehdi Zahrai 1, Alireza Moradi 2a and Mohammadreza Moradi 3b
1 Center of excellence for Engineering and Management of civil Infrastructures,
School of Civil Engineering, the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 Department of Civil Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, 23529, USA
(Received June 02, 2014, Revised December 28, 2014, Accepted April 27, 2015)
Abstract. A convenient procedure for seismic retrofit of existing buildings is to use passive control
methods, like using friction dampers in steel frames with bracing systems. In this method, reduction of
seismic demand and increase of ductility generally improve seismic performance of the structures. Some of
its advantages are development of a stable rectangular hysteresis loop and independence on environmental
conditions such as temperature and loading rate. In addition to friction dampers, masonry-infill panels
improve the seismic resistance of steel structures by increasing lateral strength and stiffness and reducing
story drifts. In this study, the effect of masonry-infill panels on seismic performance of a three-span
four-story steel frame with Pall friction dampers is investigated. The results show that friction dampers in the
steel frame increase the ductility and decrease the drift (to less than 1%). The infill panels fulfill their
function during the imposed drift and increase structural strength. It can be concluded that infill panels
together with friction dampers, reduced structural dynamic response. These infill panels dissipated input
earthquake energy from 4% to 10%, depending on their thickness.
Keywords: masonry-infill panel; seismic retrofitting; pall friction damper; earthquake energy;
structural analysis

Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 19, No. 2 (2015) 309-325

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