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Toward buckling free tension-only braces using slack free connections

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Toward buckling free tension-only braces using slack free connections
Seyed Amin Mousavi a, Seyed Mehdi Zahrai a,⁎, Murat Saatcioglu b
a School of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, The University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11155-4563, Tehran, Iran
b Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Ottawa, Ottawa KIN 6N5, Canada
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 15 July 2014
Received in revised form 25 August 2015
Accepted 28 August 2015
Available online xxxx
Tension-only brace
Buckling free
Hysteretic behavior
Energy dissipation
Seismic behavior
Slack free connection
This study introduces a slack free connection (SFC) by which pinchingwould be removed fromhysteretic behavior
of tension-only braces (TOBs). SFC through its mono-directional behavior, eliminates undesirable pinching of the
tension-only bracing and changes it to a reliable lateral load resisting system with high energy dissipation capability.
A Matlab/Simulink-based model, called Macro-Simulink model, is developed to simulate hysteretic behavior
of TOBs with orwithout SFC. Derived Macro-Simulink model is also able to account for hysteretic behavior of
the frame. The frame itself can have either deteriorated or non-deteriorated hysteretic behaviors. The Macro-
Simulink model is verified through different techniques including earlier experimental results, explicit finite
element modeling, and other pre-verified analytical/numerical tools. It is observed that initial pre-tension load
only affects initial stiffness of the TOB and has no contribution on its nonlinear hysteretic behavior. Obtained
results of this study indicate that energy dissipation capacity of TOBs with SFC would be improved up to 6
times compared with that of conventional TOBs. Moreover contribution of SFC is more pronounced in the case
of frames with highly deteriorated behaviors. As a result TOB with SFC can be considered for retrofit purposes
as well.


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