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Behavior of stiffened and unstiffened steel plate shear walls considering joint properties

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Behavior of stiffened and unstiffened steel plate shear walls considering joint properties

Hong-Chao Guo a,b,n , Ji-Ping Hao c , Yun-He Liu a,b a State Key Laboratory Base of Eco-hydraulic Engineering in Arid Area, Xi′an University of Technology, No.5 Jinhua Road, Xi′an 710048, PR China b Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Xi′an University of Technology, No.5 Jinhua Road, Xi′an 710048, PR China c Department of Civil Engineering, Xi′an University of Architecture and Technology, No.13 Yanta Road, Xi′an 710055, PR China


article info Article history: Received 23 April 2015 Received in revised form 24 August 2015 Accepted 7 September 2015 Keywords: Shear wall Stiffener Semi-rigid Energy dissipation Spring element



Steel plate shear wall (SPSW) systems have dual characteristics, the frame and infill wall action. The connection flexibility of frame joint not only changes the force and moment distribution, but also increases the lateral displacement and weakens the overall stability in SPSW structure. This paper presents the influence of hinged, rigid and semi-rigid connection joints on the behavior of SPSW structures. The bearing capacity, energy dissipation mechanism, failure mode, stress and deformation development process of the semi-rigid composite frame with steel plate shear walls under different stiffener forms were studied using experimental tests and finite element analysis. It was observed that with stiffeners the specimen yield load increased about 20% on the elastic stage, the ultimate bearing capacity of the diagonal stiffener was about 5% larger than the cross stiffener on the plastic stage, but the overall failure modes were basically the same. Additionally, the quantitative indications of the effect of joint stiffness on load carrying capacity were presented



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, December 2015, Pages 53-62

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