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An evaluation of impressionableness structural systems under the condition of foundation and bed resistance

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An evaluation of impressionableness structural systems under the condition of foundation and bed resistance

Original Article, A7
Zare HR, Dehghani M.
Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 2(1): 49-52. 2011.

ABSTRACT: The analysis of the structures under the influence of the earthquake load is usually done independent of the conditions and the soil variable under them. In other words, the bed of the structure location is supposed to be rigid. In these conditions seismic excitation in the bed of the structure is conducted in the form of a displacement with acceleration with time (or equivalent force). What happens in reality is that the structure is situated on the soil environment as a flexible bed, and from the view point of dimension as semi-infinite and earthquake vibrations from its source reach the foundation of the structure by passing from this environment which results in soil-structure interaction. The flexibility of the structure foundation and the emission of system energy by the waves in the infinite environment of soil (radiation depreciation) are two important results of soil-structure interaction phenomenon. One of the methods of considering the above-mentioned phenomenon in the analysis of the structure-supposing the elastic linear behavior of the soil environment-is by using SSI equivalents by which we have analyzed frame structures and shear wall frame structures under the earthquake load by considering SSI. By extraction of base shear amounts and displacement of the head of the structures under the influence of different earthquakes quantitative and different results have been obtained in a way that mentioned amounts strong dependence on the stiffness of the structure, stiffness of the soil, the kind of the earthquake ,etc. For this reason, the amount of the base shear and displacement in shear wall frame structures is more different from frame structure system in a way that these variations have twofold decrease or increase in a shear wall frame structure comparison with a frame structure system. This matter and the subsequent results reveal the necessity of paying attention to SSI in analysis and design of important structures from the view point of safety factor economic issues.

Keywords: Soil–structure interaction, frame structure, shear wall, stiffness


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