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The evaluation of the geo-tourism for urban development: A case study in Ajabshir city, Iran

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The evaluation of the geo-tourism for urban development: A case study in Ajabshir city, Iran

 Original Article, B15
Tavallaei S, Rashidi Ebrahim Hesari A, Fathi MH, Farzaneh M, Mousavi SCh.
Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 2(2): 80-85. 2012.

ABSTRACT: Tourism development based on natural and geo-tourism attractions have been among the study targets of urban regional planners during past decades. It is obvious that Feasibility studies as well as the evaluation of urban tourism potentials are being considered as first phase of tourism planning. The major objective of this study is to investigate the geo-tourism capabilities and limitations of Ajabshir city and to develop the best strategy toward improving and enhancing tourism management and development for the city in this region. For this purpose, SWOT strategy planning method was used based on identification of weaknesses and strengths points (internal factors) and opportunities and threats (external factors). Furthermore, Likert spectrum was used to rank the internal and external factors in order to come up with SO, WO, ST, WT strategies. The study suggests that the region has a high potential regarding tourist attraction. The internal factors of this study (point3.05) indicate that the strength points of the region are more than the weakness points. In addition, the matrix of the evaluation of the external factors (point2.72) shows that the opportunities of the region are more than its threats. It further argues that the macro strategies the tourism of the region and thus this city must be developed in such a way to make the best use of the local possible opportunities. This study further suggests that by taking advantage of Ajabshir's tourism potential in general and Geo tourism attractions in particular, along with adaption of an appropriate tourism strategies, the city could well utilizes these opportunities.
Keywords: Geo-tourism, urban development, Ajabshir city, SWOT

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