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Nonlinear Analysis Research and Development Program for Performance-Based Seismic Engineering

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Nonlinear Analysis Research and Development Program for Performance-Based Seismic Engineering

Published: December 16, 2013


Gregory Deierlein, Peter Behnam, Finley Charney, Laura Lowes, Jonathan Stewart, Michael Willford
گزارش بسیار ارزشمند و کامل NIST در زمینه مدلسازی و تحلیل غیرخطی برای مقاصد طراحی لرزه ای بر اساس عملکرد


This work is an extension of NIST GCR 09-917-2, Research Required to Support Full Implementation of Performance-Based Seismic Design, in which several research topics were identified as high-priority in terms of fostering full development and implementation of performance-based seismic engineering. These included: (1) improvement in analytical modeling and demand assessment capabilities for buildings in near-collapse seismic loading; and (2) clarification and coordination in the translation of test results to currently used performance levels. This project intends to advance the practice of nonlinear dynamic analysis so that it can be used more widely and with more confidence, enabling widespread adoption of performance-based seismic engineering. This entails addressing the gap between state-of-the-art academic research and state-of-the-practice engineering applications of nonlinear analysis, structural modeling, and computer simulation. It also entails improving state-of-the-art techniques to more reliably capture the full range of structural response than is currently possible with methods that are in use today. Taken as a whole, the program presents a suite of initiatives that, if implemented, would improve nonlinear dynamic analysis capabilities, and identify procedures that are suitable and attractive to practitioners, while maintaining levels of accuracy commensurate with research models.
Citation: Grant/Contract Reports (NISTGCR) - 14-917-27

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