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Soil-Structure Interaction for Building Structures


Published: September 13, 2012


Jonathan Stewart, C.B. Crouse, Tara C. Hutchinson, Bret Lizundia, Farzad Naeim, Farhang Ostadan


The purpose of this project was to develop consensus guidance for implementing soil-structure interaction in response history analyses, and to identify areas of further research that were needed. The starting point for this work was decades of available soil-structure interaction research, and recently published engineering guidance for static analysis procedures. Soil-structure interaction (SSI) analysis evaluates the collective response of three linked systems: the structure, the foundation, and the soil underlying and surrounding the foundation. Problems associated with practical application of SSI for building structures are rooted in a poor understanding of fundamental SSI principles. Implementation in practice is hindered by a literature that is difficult to understand, and codes and standards that contain limited guidance. This report represents an advancement in the state of SSI knowledge for practicing engineers. It provides a synthesis of the body of SSI literature, distilled into a concise narrative, and harmonized under a consistent set of variables and units. Techniques are described by which SSI phenomena can be simulated in engineering practice, and specific recommendations for modeling seismic soil-structure interaction effects on building structures are provided. The resulting recommendations are illustrated and tested, in detail, on realistic example buildings.
Citation: Grant/Contract Reports (NISTGCR) - 12-917-21

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گزارش بسیار ارزشمند و کامل NIST در زمینه روند مدسازی کاربردی اثرات اندرکنش خاک و سازه

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NEHRP Consultants Joint Venture, ATC, Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction, SSI, SFSI

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