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Three-segment steel brace for seismic design of concentrically braced frames

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Three-segment steel brace for seismic design of concentrically braced frames

Onur Sekera, Bulent Akbasb, Pinar Toru Sekera, Mahmoud Faytarounia, Jay Shena,⁎,
Mustafa Mahamidc
a Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Iowa State University, USA
b Department of Earthquake and Structural Engineering, Gebze Institute of Technology, Turkey
c Department of Civil and Materials Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Three-segment steel brace
Seismic design
Braced frame
Non-linear time history analysis


A three-segment steel brace has been developed and investigated by means of numerical and experimental
studies. The objective of the development was to develop a brace member that exhibits stable and symmetrical
cyclic response under cyclic loading. The concept was conceived by extending a conventional elastic buckling of
a column with variable sections to include post-buckling deformation. The concept was first examined using
FEM-based simulations, and tested experimentally with an ensemble of small-scale brace specimens under cyclic
loads. Seismic response of CBFs with conventional buckling braces and the three-segment braces were compared
and results are discussed in terms of drift, brace and beam ductility demands. The results indicate that the tested
three-segment braces specimens were capable of exhibiting stable and symmetrical hysteretic response, as well
as dissipating a greater amount of energy compared to conventional buckling braces. Further, the dynamic
analyses results point out that substituting the conventional buckling braces with the three-segment braces
substantially mitigates the seismic demand on the braced frames.

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