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Influence of Aspect Ratio & Plan Configurations on Seismic Performance of Multistoreyed Regular R.C.C. Buildings: An Evaluation by Response Spectrum Analysis

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Influence of Aspect Ratio & Plan Configurations on Seismic Performance of Multistoreyed Regular R.C.C. Buildings: An Evaluation by Response Spectrum Analysis

Sanjay Kumar Sadh 1, Dr. Umesh Pendharkar 2 1 M.E.(CASDD) Student, Civil Engineering Department, U.E.C. Ujjain, M.P., INDIA 2 Professor Civil Engineering Department, U.E.C. Ujjain, M.P., INDIA

Abstract - The behavior of a building during earthquakes depends critically on its overall shape, size and geometry. Earthquake resistant design of buildings depends upon providing the building with strength, stiffness and inelastic deformation capacity which are great enough to withstand a given level of earthquakegenerated force. This is generally accomplished through the selection of an appropriate building configuration and the careful detailing of structural members. Configuration is critical to good seismic performance of buildings. The important aspects affecting seismic configuration of buildings are overall geometry, structural systems, and load paths. The building slenderness ratio and the building core size are the key drivers for the efficient structural design. This paper focuses on the effect of both Vertical Aspect Ratio (H/B ratio i.e. Slenderness Ratio) and Horizontal or Plan Aspect Ratio (L/B ratio), where H is the total Height of the building frame, B is the Base width and L is the Length of the building frame with different Plan Configurations on the Seismic Analysis of Multistoried Regular R.C.C. Buildings. The test structures are kept regular in elevation and in plan .Here, height and the base dimension of the buildings are varied according to the Aspect Ratios. The values of Aspect Ratios are so assigned that it provides different configurations for Low, Medium and High-rise building models. In the present study, four building models having different Horizontal Aspect ratios viz. 1, 4, 6 & 8 ranging from 12m.to 96m.length of different Vertical Aspect ratios (slenderness ratios) viz. 1, 4, 6 & 8 of varying 4, 16, 24 & 32 storeys have been considered and their influence on the behavior of the RCC Multistoreyed buildings is demonstrated, using the parameters for the design as per the IS-1893- 2002-Part-1 for the seismic zone- 3. In this way total 16 building models are analyzed for different load combinations by Linear Elastic Dynamic Analysis (Response Spectrum analysis) with the help of ETABS-2015 software and the results obtained on seismic response of buildings have been summarized.

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