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Hysteretic models that incorporate strength and stiffness deterioration

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Hysteretic models that incorporate strength and stiffness deterioration
Luis F. Ibarra1;∗; †; ‡, Ricardo A. Medina2 and Helmut Krawinkler3
1Southwest Research Institute; CNWRA; San Antonio; TX 78238; U.S.A.
2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; University of Maryland; College Park;
MD 20742; U.S.A.
3Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Stanford University; Palo Alto; CA 94305; U.S.A.
This paper presents the description, calibration and application of relatively simple hysteretic models
that include strength and stiness deterioration properties, features that are critical for demand predictions
as a structural system approaches collapse. Three of the basic hysteretic models used in seismic
demand evaluation are modied to include deterioration properties: bilinear, peak-oriented, and pinching.
The modied models include most of the sources of deterioration: i.e. various modes of cyclic
deterioration and softening of the post-yielding stiness, and also account for a residual strength after
deterioration. The models incorporate an energy-based deterioration parameter that controls four cyclic
deterioration modes: basic strength, post-capping strength, unloading stiness, and accelerated reloading
stiness deterioration. Calibration of the hysteretic models on steel, plywood, and reinforced-concrete
components demonstrates that the proposed models are capable of simulating the main characteristics
that inuence deterioration. An application of a peak-oriented deterioration model in the seismic
evaluation of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems is illustrated. The advantages of using deteriorating
hysteretic models for obtaining the response of highly inelastic systems are discussed. Copyright
? 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
KEY WORDS: hysteretic behaviour; strength deterioration; cyclic deterioration; collapse

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