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Development of Eccentrically Interconnected Braced Frame (EIC-BF) for seismic regions

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Development of Eccentrically Interconnected Braced Frame (EIC-BF) for seismic regions

Morteza Bastamia,⁎, Roohollah Ahmady Jazanyb
a Structural Engineering Research Center, International Institute of earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), No.192 Arghavan St. North Dibaji, Farmaniyeh,
Tehran Province, Tehran, Iran
b Department of Civil Engineering, East Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University (IAU), Ghiamdasht, Emam Reza Blvd, Afsariye, Tehran, Iran


This study aims to develop an Eccentrically Braced Frame (EBF) system, which is so called Eccentrically
Interconnected Braced Frame (EIC-BF), by proposing an innovative Structural Fuse (SF) using a very thin midheight
gusset plates with specified details for seismic regions. In the proposed structural system, as a low damage
or repairable system, the mid-height gusset plate, as a replaceable centric shear link that connects four eccentric
brace segments, behaves as a SF so concentrates most of large deformation and stress demand and dissipates the
large amount of energy imposed by lateral loading. In order to investigate the effect of the proposed SF with the
specified details, i.e. mid-height gusset plates with proposed details, on the seismic behavior of EIC-BF, nine
three-fourth scale cyclic experiments were conducted. This research describes the results of the experiments
elaborately and evaluates the cyclic responses of the studied EIC-BFs with respect to their utilized details. The
results show that establishing the specified details and design parameters including eccentricity value of braces
at mid-height gusset plate, mid-height gusset plate thickness and the stiffener configuration at mid-height gusset
plate improves the seismic performance of EIC-BF in term of story drift angle by up to 32% as well as reduces the
considerable pinching in cyclic response; while prevents main structural elements including beam, columns and
braces from undergoing inelastic behavior.


Eccentrically Braced Frame (EBF)
Mid-height gusset plate
Corner gusset plate
Structural Fuse (SF)
Out-of-plane buckling
Dissipated energy

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مقاله بالا ایده استفاده از صفحات با ضخامت کم مثلا ۲ تا ۵ میلی متر را برای اتصال دو مهاربند به عنوان صفحه اتصال میانی یا  gusset plate پیشنهاد می دهد. محاسبین معمولا ضخامت این صفحه را از ۱۰ تا ۲۰ میلی متر در نظر می گیرند. در این تحقیق مشاهده گردید با کاهش ضخامت، جذب و اتلاف انرژی بیشتر و به تبع آن سازه شکل پذیرتر می شود و این صفحه میانی علاوه بر اتصال دو مهاربند، عملا به عنوان فیوز عمل می کند. علاوه بر اینها مهمترین مزیت این سیستم پیشنهادی، عدم کمانش مهاربندها می باشد و در هیچ یک از تست ها هیچ یک از مهاربندها آسیب ندید. این سیستم حتی نسبت به سیستم معمول ارزانتر است چرا که از صفحه با ضخامت کمتر و به تبع با وزن کمتر استفاده می کند. خوشبختانه مقاله حاوی این ایده در ژورنال Thin wall structures با بالاترین  Impact factor چاپ شد.


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