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 Structure Magazine November  2018

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 Modern Steel Construction November  2018

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مجله concrete construction
شماره سپتامبر/اکتبر 2018

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مجلهSTRUCTURE ، اکتبر 2018

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مجلهSTRUCTURE ، سپتامبر2018

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شماره ماه سپتامبر 2018 مجله
Modern Steel Construction

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شماره ماه اوت 2018 مجله
Modern Steel Construction

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شماره فصل سوم  سال 2018 ژورنال مهندسی انجمن فولاد آمریکا شامل مقاله ای از پروفسور حجت الله عادلی  در باره رفتار لرزه ای شبکه مورب ها

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مجلهSTRUCTURE ، اوت 2018

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مجلهSTRUCTURE ، ژوئیه 2018

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صفحات مجله تاریخ national geography  در باره آسمانخراشهای نیویورک

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مجلهSTRUCTURE ، ژوئن 2018

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صفحات مجله معماری کشور هند ARCHITECT شمارۀ ماه می 2018 در باره بالکریشنا دوشی

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مجلهSTRUCTURE ، می 2018

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مجلهSTRUCTURE ، آوریل 2018        

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 شماره ویژۀ عکسهای زیبای معماری

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مجلهSTRUCTURE ، مارچ  2018        

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مجلهARCHITECT خاورمیانه ، فوریه  2018  با مطالبی ویژه معماری عراق

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گزارش زلزله کرمانشاه-سرپل ذهاب-ازگله
تهیه شده توسط دکتر عرفان علوی و همکاران برای EERI
فوریه 2018

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مجلهSTRUCTURE ، فوریه  2018        

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مجلهSTRUCTURE ، ژانویه  2018                   

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مجلهSTRUCTURE ، می2017        

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شماره مارس 2017 مجله ARCHITECT

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مجلهSTRUCTURE ، مارس2017        

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مجلهSTRUCTURE ، فوریه 2017        

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مجله MODERN STEEL CONSTRUCTION شماره ژانویه 2017

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ژورنال مهندسی انجمن سازه های فولادی آمریکا، فصل چهارم 2016        

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مجلهSTRUCTURE ، نوامبر 2016

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مجلهSTRUCTURE  ، اکتبر 2016                                    

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منبع تمامی نشریات بالا کانال تلگرام نشریه

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ارگان سازمان نظام مهندسی قم میباشد.

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Engineering Journal

American Institute of Steel Construction

First Quarter 2019 | Volume 56, No. 1

برخی مطالب این نشریه :
Observations from Cyclic Tests on Deep,
Wide-Flange Beam-Columns

Clearance for Welded Joints

Post-Buckling Mechanics of a Square Slender
Steel Plate in Pure Shear

Complementary Evaluation of Diagonal
Tension Field Inclination Angle in Steel Plate
Shear Walls

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Structure Magazine february 2019

Tall Buildings in Mexico City include Torre Cuarzo tower

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Modern Steel Construction Magazine february 2019

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شماره ماه آوریل 1921 مجله National Geographic
فروردین 1300 شمسی
کل مجله در باره ایران، شامل 16 صفحه تمام رنگی

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Structure Magazine march 2019

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نسخه الکترونیکی مارس ۲۰۱۹ نشریه Modern Steel Construction

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Structure Magazine April 2019

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برخی از مطالب این نشریه :

Ultra-High-Performance Concrete

Specifying Requirements for Concrete

Tilt-Up Concrete Wall Anchorage Design



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Modern Steel Construction-April 3-5 2019


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Modern Steel Construction-February 2019


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Modern Steel Construction Magazine june 2019

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Modern Steel Construction-May 2019

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Modern Steel Construction Magazine july 2019

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Engineering Journal 2019

Third Quarter 2019 | Volume 56, No. 3

شامل مقالات زیر :

Design for Gusset Plate Buckling with Variable Stress Trajectories

Updated Equivalent Axial Load Method for Design of Steel Beam-Columns

Walking-Induced Vibration of Steel-Framed Floors Supporting Sensitive Equipment

Weld Effective Lengths for Round HSS Cross- Connections under Branch Axial Loading

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مجله concrete construction
شماره می/ژوئن 2019

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Modern Steel Construction Magazine  August 2019

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Modern Steel Construction Magazine  september 2019

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Modern Steel Construction

AISC Magazine

October 2019

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Modern Steel Construction

AISC Magazine

November 2019

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Modern Steel Construction September 2020

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Modern Steel Construction Magazine

AISC December 2020

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Model Engineer - 22 November 2019
English | 68 pages | True PDF | 11.8 MB

The Model Engineer magazine is an almost limitless source of construction articles and techniques in building railway models, clocks, jigs, gear cutting, workshop projects, cnc machining, metalworking, lathe and milling techniques and the making of tools.

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Modern Steel Construction - January 2021
English | 70 Pages | True PDF | 14.5 MB

Modern Steel Construction is the official publication of the American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. MSC brings its readership in-depth information on the newest and most advanced uses of structural steel in buildings and bridges by focusing on innovative and cost-effective steel designs and the products that help bring them to life. MSC is directed exclusively to professionals in the construction industry who make and influence purchasing decisions—whether they are engineers, architects, building owners, contractors, fabricators, retailers or erectors. MSC is the only magazine in the United States devoted exclusively to the design and construction of steel-framed structures.

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Engineering Journal

Second Quarter 2021 | Volume 58, No. 2

79 Determination of Capacities of Eccentric
Stiffeners Part 1: Experimental Studies
99 Determination of Capacities of Eccentric
Stiffeners Part 2: Analytical Studies
Javier Alvarez Rodilla and Keith Kowalkowski
123 Design by Advanced Elastic Analysis:
An Investigation of Beam-Columns
Yunfei Wang and Ronald D. Ziemian
Technical Note
139 Internal Second-Order Stiffness:
A Refined Approach to the Rm Coefficient
to Account for the Influence of P-δ on P-Δ
Rafael Sabelli and Lawrence Griffis
Steel Structures Research Update
147 Seismic Performance of Nonorthogonal
Special Moment Frame Beam-to-Column
Judy Liu

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Modern Steel Construction - March 2021
English | 70 Pages | True PDF | 14.3 MB

Modern Steel Construction is the official publication of the American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. MSC brings its readership in-depth information on the newest and most advanced uses of structural steel in buildings and bridges by focusing on innovative and cost-effective steel designs and the products that help bring them to life. MSC is directed exclusively to professionals in the construction industry who make and influence purchasing decisions—whether they are engineers, architects, building owners, contractors, fabricators, retailers or erectors. MSC is the only magazine in the United States devoted exclusively to the design and construction of steel-framed structures.

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Modern Steel Construction
June 2021

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