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Effect of Wedge Shape Deflector on Dissipating Energy in Triangular Flip Buckets

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Effect of Wedge Shape Deflector on Dissipating Energy in Triangular Flip Buckets

Original Article, C09
Mona Omidvarinia, S.H.Musavi Jahromi
Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 3(2): 56-61. 2013

Abstract: Ski jumps are a major element of each dam spillway because these are the only structures able to accomplish satisfactory energy dissipation for takeoff velocities in excess of some 20 m/ s. When water flows over spillways or the dam bottom outlets, flow has a height velocity. In such conditions it has a lot of kinetic energy. In order to dissipate this destructive energy, energy dissipater should be constructed. If geology condition in downstream is appropriate, flip bucket can be used, particularly for height dams. This structure to loss kinematic energy is a cheap method and safer than other ordinary energy dissipaters such as hydraulic basins and roller buckets to employ deflector, is one way to increase energy dissipation in this structure. Deflector is a wedge-shaped structure which creates changes in part of flow trajectory. To investigate the effect of deflector on energy dissipation, an experimental setup has been developed in the Hydraulic Laboratory of Shahid Chammran, Iran. In this research program, the 45 degree bucket with 7 cm approach channel at the end of ogee spillway was divided into two trajectories by deflector. Data analysis showed that the clash between these two trajectories increases energy dissipation in flip bucket. Maximum observed energy dissipation was 70.3% that it occurred in the Froude number 6.7, deflector angle of 25 degree and the side with 12-cm-length.
Keywords:Energy Dissipation, Flip Bucket Spillway, Deflector, Physical Model



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