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Numerical evaluation of the hysteretic behavior of concentrically braced frames and buckling restrained brace frame systems

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Numerical evaluation of the hysteretic behavior of concentrically braced frames and buckling restrained brace frame systems

ارزیابی عددی رفتار هیسترتیک سیستم های قاب های مهاربندی همگرا و قاب مهاربندی کمانش تاب

Mohammad Naghavia,⁎, Rohola Rahnavardb,⁎, Robert J. Thomasb,⁎, Mohsen Malekinejadc
a Department of Civil Engineering, Javid Institute for Higher Education of Jiroft, Iran
b Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, USA
c Department of Civil Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Sirjan branch, Iran

This paper presents a numerical investigation of buckling restrained brace (BRB) frames (BRBF) and a comparison
with concentrically braced frames (CBF). A simplified core-spring finite element model was used to
model BRB elements. Four types of CBF (X, V, inverted V, and two-story X) and four types of BRBF (diagonal, V,
inverted V, and two-story X) were modeled in ABAQUS. A static nonlinear pushover analysis considering two
cyclic loading protocols showed that the buckling restraint allows the BRB elements to undergo significant
plasticity without forming plastic hinges, thereby dissipating a proportionally larger amount of energy and
delaying yielding in the frame elements. Results indicated dramatic improvements in energy dissipation and
ductility in BRBF models as compared to equivalent CBF models. Seismic response modification factors for BRBF
models also showed greater values over CBF models. Time-history analysis evaluated the performance of CBF
and BRBF under historical earthquake loadings and supported the same conclusions. The best performance was
observed for V, inverted V, and two-story X BRBF configurations; the diagonal BRBF configuration performed
better than equivalent CBF models, but did not perform nearly as well as the other BRBF models.

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