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Comparison between non-linear dynamic and static seismic analysis of structures according to European and US provisions

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Comparison between non-linear dynamic and static seismic analysis of structures according to European and US provisions

 مقایسه تحلیل لرزه ای استاتیکی و دینامیکی غیر خطی بر مبنای آیین نامه اروپا و آمریکا

Mehmed Causevic · Sasa Mitrovic

Abstract Several procedures for non-linear static and dynamic analysis of structures have
been developed in recent years. This paper discusses those procedures that have been implemented
into the latest European and US seismic provisions: non-linear dynamic time-history
analysis; N2 non-linear static method (Eurocode 8); non-linear static procedure NSP (FEMA
356) and improved capacity spectrum method CSM (FEMA 440). The presented methods
differ in respect to accuracy, simplicity, transparency and clarity of theoretical background.
Non-linear static procedures were developed with the aim of overcoming the insufficiency
and limitations of linear methods, whilst at the same time maintaining a relatively simple
application. All procedures incorporate performance-based concepts paying more attention to
damage control. Application of the presented procedures is illustrated by means of an example
of an eight-storey reinforced concrete frame building. The results obtained by non-linear
dynamic time-history analysis and non-linear static procedures are compared. It is concluded
that these non-linear static procedures are sustainable for application. Additionally, this paper
discusses a recommendation in the Eurocode 8/1 that the capacity curve should be determined
by pushover analysis for values of the control displacement ranging between zero and 150%
of the target displacement. Maximum top displacement of the analyzed structure obtained
by using dynamic method with real time-history records corresponds to 145% of the target
displacement obtained using the non-linear static N2 procedure.
Keywords Non-linear dynamic analysis · Non-linear static methods ·
Pushover analysis · N2, NSP and CSM methods


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