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Reconstruction of foundations in Russia

Fedor Zakharov

Saimaa University of Applied Sciences
Technology, Lappeenranta
Double Degree Programme
Civil and Construction Engineering

Bachelor’s Thesis 2015

Fedor Zakharov
Reconstruction of the foundation in Russia, about 45 pages
Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Lappeenranta
Technology, Civil and Construction Engineering
Double Degree Programme in Civil and Construction Engineering
Tutors: Sami Kurkela, Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Lappeenranta
Alexander Derendyaev, LLC “Technopolis”, Saint-Petersburg.
The purpose of the work was to analyze and to review the field of the foundation reconstruction in Russian Federation. It was necessary to investigate the modern appearance causes of the reconstruction necessities and to determine the strengthening goals of the foundations. And finally, it was required to identify the most popular methods of the reconstruction, to compare them with the most popular Finish ones and to confirm them by the real structural examples.
For these goals, the scientific works of the leading Russian experts in the field of geotechnical engineering were used. A large number of materials of the research papers, theses, textbooks and publications were analyzed. Also, project materials of the real objects from different design companies were used.
All results of the researches can be found in this work. All major reasons of the foundation reconstruction and strengthening in Russia are given below. The most popular methods of strengthening were chosen and the details and conditions of use were presented and compared with Finish situation. The problems of foundation reconstruction on the objects, which are influenced by the dynamic loads, were also examined. The features of such objects and the difficulties, which arise there, were analyzed. All methods are supported by examples of real reconstruction works. In the end, a short reference comparative table of these methods was created.
Keywords: reconstruction of the foundations, reasons of reconstruction, static and dynamic influences, methods of reconstruction, foundation soil, foundation footing.

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