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C.H. Lin1, K.C. Tsai2, Y.C. Lin3, K.J. Wang4, B. Qu5 and M. Bruneau6
Measuring eight meters tall and four meters wide, two 2-story SPSW specimens were constructed in
NCREE. The thickness of SS400 grade steel plate for the first story wall is 3 mm and for the second story
it is 2mm. All the boundary beam and column elements are A572 GR 50 steel. In the Phase I tests, each
of the SPSWs have horizontal tube restrainers on both sides to minimize the out-of-plane displacement
and the buckling sound. In the Phase 2 tests, damaged steel plates were removed and replaced with new
plates without the use of any restrainer. In both phases, the specimens was pseudo-dynamically tested
using three ground accelerations, which were recorded in the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake and scaled up to
represent seismic hazards of 2%, 10%, and 50% probabilities of exceedance in 50 years. Results of the
Phase 1 tests show that; 1) the SPSWF specimen sustained three earthquakes without any significant
wall fracture or overall strength degradation, 2) the horizontal restrainers were very effective in improving
the serviceability of SPSWs, 3) the responses of the SPSWF can be simulated accurately using the strip
model and the tension-only material property implemented in PISA3D computer program.

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  • Administrators

B. Qu1, M. Bruneau2, C.H. Lin3, K.C. Tsai4 and Y.C. Lin3
In Phase II of MCEER/NCREE cooperative project, a full scale two-story steel plate shear wall was
obtained by replacing the buckled panels by new panels prior to submitting the specimen to further testing.
To experimentally address the behavior of the repaired specimen in a new earthquake and the seismic
performance of the intermediate beam in the first stage of Phase II, the specimen was tested under
pseudo-dynamic loads equivalent to the first earthquake record considered in the Phase I tests. The
specimen was subjected to cyclic testing to failure in the next stage of the Phase II tests to investigate the
ultimate behavior of the intermediate beam and the cyclic behavior as well as the ultimate capacity of the
specimen. It is shown that the repaired specimen can survive and dissipate significant amounts of
hysteretic energy in a new earthquake without severe damages to the boundary frame or overall strength
degradation. It is also found that the specimen had exceptional redundancy and exhibited stable forcedisplacement
behavior up to the drifts of 5.2 % and 5.0 % at the first and second story respectively.

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