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A Comparison between Performances of Turbulence Models on Simulation of Solitary Wave Breaking by WC

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A Comparison between Performances of Turbulence Models on Simulation of Solitary Wave Breaking by WCSPH Method

Original Article, D1
Mahmoudi A., Hakim zadeh H. and Ketabdari M .J
Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(1): 01-07. 2014

ABSTRACT:The modeling of Solitary wave breaking is an important subject in coastal and marine engineering, because the damage associated with tsunamis is related to their wave breaking and run-up on the shoreline. In this paper a space-averaged Navier–Stokes approach has been deployed to simulate the Solitary wave breaking on a plane slope. The developed model is based on the smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) method which is a pure Lagrangian approach and can handle large deformations of the free surface with high accuracy. Since breaking waves are characterized by high distortion, the turbulence modeling has been of major concern in such simulations. For this study, the large eddy simulation (LES) model was chosen as the turbulence model to couple with the weakly compressible version of the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (WCSPH) method to simulate the Solitary wave breaking on a plane slope. In order to investigate the Effects of turbulence models on numerical simulations of wave breaking, the results of present study were compared with experimental results and numerical data found in the literatures. The results shown that turbulence modeling have a strong influence on the quality of the results. Furthermore, capability of the WCSPH method along with a LES approach to simulate the Solitary wave breaking on a plane slope was compared with result of ISPH method in the literatures. Finally, it is shown that the WCSPH coupled with LES model performs better than ISPH method.
Keywords:WCSPH, solitary wave, Turbulence model, LES


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