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Offering and Classifying Ecological Strategies and Principles Based on Four Cs Regulations, in order

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Offering and Classifying Ecological Strategies and Principles Based on Four Cs Regulations, in order to Achieve Sustainable Urbanization; Case Study: Old Shahr-E-Kord Texture

Original Article, D11
Kabiri Dehkordi N. and Massoud M.
Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(1): 68-76. 2014

ABSTRACT:Neglecting environmental and domestic issues meanwhile becoming modern is a problem which its effects have been revealed more and more especially in last decades. Here, ancient structures of cities, having been changed to a barren and a threat to environment and urban ecosystems because of neglecting and paying no attention to them are affected the most. In other words, because of neglecting ecological rules and standards they were regarded consciously or unconsciously. Today, even though renovation plans were approved and accomplished in some cases, they not only ignored environmental and ecological rules but also damaged their surroundings seriously. In general, these damages include unsuitable constructions, increase of energy, water and soil consumption, high production of carbon and its distribution in the atmosphere, damage to the nature of the region. Ancient structure of Shahr-e-kord which is the origin of this city in some way is not an exception. In addition to mentioned issues, neighborhoods lost their relationship with the region and the residents of the neighborhood migrated from the structure; the purpose of this research is rebuilding and renovation of this structure by defining a frame for ecological rules and by getting the urban ecology. In this regard, this research uses field analysis to identify and analyze the region. Furthermore, rules of urban ecology and ecological city, expressed in different theories, are extracted from books and are applied to rebuilding of ancient structure of Shahr-e-kord in order to start and motivate the development of other urban structures.
Keywords:Ecologic Principle, Four Cs, Shahr-e-Kord Old Urban Texture, Urban Ecology, Urban Design


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