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SAP2000 Complete Course: From Beginner To Pro 2019

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SAP2000 Complete Course: From Beginner To Pro 2019

SAP2000 Complete Course: From Beginner To Pro Udemy Free download. Structural Analysis and Design of Residential Building with Real World Project.

This course is written by Udemy’s very popular author Gokul Saud. It was last updated on February 28, 2019. The language of this course is English but also have Subtitles (captions) in English (US) languages for better understanding. This course is posted under the categories of Other, Structural Engineering and IT & Software on Udemy.

There are more than 3437 people who has already enrolled in the SAP2000 Complete Course: From Beginner To Pro which makes it one of the very popular courses on Udemy. You can free download the course from the download links below. It has a rating of 4.8 given by 646 people thus also makes it one of the best rated course in Udemy.

The Udemy SAP2000 Complete Course: From Beginner To Pro free download also includes 4 hours on-demand video, 5 articles, 64 downloadable resources, Full lifetime access, Access on mobile and TV, Assignments, Certificate of Completion and much more.
What am I going to learn?

If you are wondering what you are going to learn or what are the things this course will teach you before free downloading SAP2000 Complete Course: From Beginner To Pro, then here are some of things:

    Complete knowledge of SAP2000.
    Learn structural analysis and design of a residential building using SAP2000.
    Analyze and design any kind of civil engineering structure using SAP2000.
    Export the designed data to excel for further calculations.
    Do preliminary design of structural members.
    Calculate lumped mass, base shear and strorey shear.

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بخش اول : Introduction


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بخش دوم :  Introduction To SAP2000

2. Introduction Part-II.mp4.jpg

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بخش سوم : Modeling of Building


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بخش چهارم : Load Application

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بخش پنجم: Application of Lateral Loads

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بخش ششم : Designing The Building in SAP2000

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بخش هفتم : Detailing of Structural Members

3. Detailing of Beam Longitudinal Bars.mp4.jpg

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بخش هشتم : Optimizing the Design

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بخش هشتم : Pushover Analysis and Design

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بخش نهم : Response Spectrum Analysis and Design

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بخش یازدهم : Miscellaneous

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بخش دوازدهم : Preliminary Design, Seismic Weight , Base Shear and Storey Shear Calculation

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