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Investigation and Measurement of Heavy Metals Amount (As, Pb, Cd, Hg) within Rivers Estuaries Locate

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Investigation and Measurement of Heavy Metals Amount (As, Pb, Cd, Hg) within Rivers Estuaries Located in the West Side of Urmia Lake

Original Article, D35
Esmat Saatloo SJ, Esmat Saatlo M, Siosemarde M, Merufinia E.
J. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(3): 233-238. 2014

ABSTRACT: The ecosystem of Urmia Lake is almost close ended and the water of rains and rivers play an important role in Biological activities of this lake. It is worth stating that the national park of Urmia Lake is almost one of the rare one in world class, since the watery environment of this park is so salty and the only living being which could survive in this lake is named Artemia. Since this park has special natural condition and various ilks of ecosystems, it can be considered one of best domicile for numerous kinds of birds and prominent national park of Iran. Although for now, the West Azerbaijan province is not among the geographical regions of Iran that lead to production of pollution and the extension of industrial activities in this region still do not pollute the watery regions, but the amount of pollution in this area is moving toward pick points and if no measurement is taken in order to control the industrial activities and other polluters, the water source of this province will face with a serious ecological crisis. The rivers that flow into the Urmia Lake have a mineral load, since the urban, agriculture and rural sewage pour into these rivers. This survey aims at identifying the amount of pollution, polluters, self-purification capacity of rivers and offering a solution for resolving the pollution issue, especially when the water level of Urmia Lake is decreased, which lead us to consider polluters and their effects.
Keywords: Urmia Lake, Ecosystem, Sewage, Heavy Metals, Artemia, Environment.


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