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Performance Removal Nitrate and Phosphate from Treated Municipal Wastewater Using Phragmites Austral

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Performance Removal Nitrate and Phosphate from Treated Municipal Wastewater Using Phragmites Australis and Typha Latifolia Aquatic Plants

Original Article, D48
Rezaie H, Salehzadeh M.
J. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(3): 315-321. 2014

ABSTRACT: Effluent generally includes nutrient elements like nitrogen and phosphorus. Its discharge to water resources leads to an increase in the growth of different types of algae، hence it is necessary to decrease the amount of phosphorus and nitrogen as much as possible before discharging of effluent to water resources. The use of aquatic plants is one of the effective methods for refining nitrogen and phosphorus in polluted water. In this research, performance of Phragmites australis and Typha latifolia planted in sewage channels with subsurface flow to filter nitrate & phosphate of municipal wastewater is investigated. To carry out, outdoor channels with 3 meters length and 0.15 meter width were build. The pilot system consisted of channels which were filled with ripples (diameter of 10-20 mm, 50% porosity) up to 0.07 of height of channel. The plants was planted in channels and the sewage sample, which was taken from Urmia University wastewater with a constant  flow 30 ml/min routed through the system in form of subsurface flow. The effluent inters a tank outlet. Samples were taken every week for a period of 6 weeks and DO, PH, Nitrate (NO-3 – N) and phosphate (PO4-3 – P) were measured in output and input of the system. Average increase of  DO and PH  for Phragmites australis and Typha latifolia channels were 204, 205 & 9, 9.1 percent respectively and average reduction of Nitrate and phosphate were 81.43, 92.66 and 83.66, 74.26 percent respectively.
Keywords: Nitrate, Phosphate, Phragmites australis, Typha latifolia, channel, Wastewater.


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