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Seismic behaviors of steel plate shear wall structures with construction details and materials

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Seismic behaviors of steel plate shear wall structures with construction details and materials

Wang Meng a,⁎, YangWeiguo a, Shi Yongjiub, Xu Jian c

a School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China

b Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

c China Southwest Architectural Design and Research Institute Corp. Ltd, Chengdu 610081, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history:

Received 3 May 2014

Accepted 8 January 2015

Available online 23 February 2015


Steel plate shear wall structure

Structural construction detail

Low yield point steel

T type stiffened ribs

Finite element method (FEM)

Hysteretic behavior

In order to have a systematic and comprehensive comparison of seismic behaviors of steel plate shear wall

structures with different construction details, a numerical method was proposed, which was proved accurately

to predict the performance of structures with published quasi-static tests. Then, eight typical steel shear wall

models with different structural construction details were established. Also an advanced stiffened low yield

point steel plate shear wall was proposed to avoid excessive out-of-plane deformation. The seismic behaviors

of above nine shear wall models were fully compared and analyzed, and key issues, such as energy-dissipating

capacity, ductility, out-of-plane deformation and the effect of tension field on the columns were discussed in

depth. The results showed that: in high-intensity seismic area, load-carrying capacity, hysteretic behaviors,

failure modes, seismic ductility and economic performance should be taken into account comprehensively to

choose the appropriate form of steel plate shear wall structure; the proposed low yield point steel plate shear

wall with T type stiffened ribs could most effectively improve the energy dissipation capacity and ductility,

and lessen the impact of tension field on the columns, besides, it had better load-carrying capacity and smallest

out-of-plane deformation. This method provided a good way for improving the seismic behaviors of steel shear

wall structures.

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