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Behavior of Steel Plate Shear Wall with Constrained Ring Holes


International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (E-ISSN: 2321-9637) Special Issue
International Conference on Technological Advancements in Structures and Construction
“TASC- 15”, 10-11 June 2015

Parvathy M U1, Anagha Manoharan2
1P. G. Student,2Asst. Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Universal Engineering College,
Thrissur, Kerala, India
Email: parvathymu@gmail.com1, anaghamanoharan99@gmail.com 2
Abstract- Steel Plate Shear Walls (SPSWs) are used for lateral load resisting systems for both new and retrofit
construction. Generally, thin plate shear walls used, but it shows buckling at small loads which results in highly
pinched hysteretic behaviour. In order to reduce buckling, constrained ring holes are provided in steel plate. It
also uses simple shear beam-column connections. Ring like cut-outs elongate into an ellipse when the shear
plate is loaded laterally. The transverse and longitudinal deformations of a circular ring that is stretched into an
ellipse are nearly equal. When the rings are provided in the direction perpendicular to the tension diagonal, the
slack in the compression diagonal direction will be removed. This reduces buckling. It is more economic, since
it requires less steel and no moment connections between beams and columns. It will reduce the pinching in
hysteresis loop and provides comparatively good strength and stiffness compared to thin unstiffenedsteel plate
shear wall. The present study deals with the buckling and seismic behaviour of steel plate shear wall with ring
cut-outs by considering various input parameters like configuration of cut-outs and thickness of web plate.
Index Terms -Steel Plate Shear Wall, Constrained ring holes, Simple shear beam column connections, Buckling

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