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Considerable Reduction in Sewage Pollutants of Urmia City from Modernist view of Biolac Process

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Considerable Reduction in Sewage Pollutants of Urmia City from Modernist view of Biolac Process

Original Article, D54
Merufinia E, Rezaei H, Ghaderi J, Shamsaei A.
J. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(4): 353-363. 2014

ABSTRACT: The Biolac filtration system is based on active multi-stage sludge refineries. This system is a kind of modern biological methods in filtration of sewage waters and sludge’s which is so efficient in upgrading of lagoons. This survey aims at the investigation of qualitative sewage polluters and comparison of output results with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards in Iran. First, after studying the details about this system, we focused on analysis of experimental results which was collected during the first six month range of 2010 to 2012 and performance evaluation of system linked to the removal of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), N and P polluters. With regard to mentioned investigations and considerations, it can be concluded that the Biolac system was so successful in the removal of polluters such as BOD, COD and TSS.  For BOD the average removal rates were more than 96 percent and the output value was less that 20 mg/lit. For COD the removal rates were more than 93 percent and the output value was less that 30 mg/lit. The average removal rate for TSS polluters was about 93 percent’s and the output value was less than 13 mg/lit. The corresponding rate for P polluters was about 72 and less than 3 mg/lit, respectively. We consider the EPA Standards in Iran and comparing the mentioned results with these standards, it will be evident that the effluent of such system can be discharged to surface waters.
Keywords: Biolac, EPA Standards, Pollutant, Urmia Wastewater


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