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Evaluation of near‑fault effects on the general code spectrum of the Iranian code of practice for seismic‑resistant design of buildings, case study: Tehran

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Evaluation of near‑fault effects on the general code spectrum of the Iranian code of practice for seismic‑resistant design of buildings, case study: Tehran

Javad Jalili · Majid Mahood · Ali Shafiee
Received: 27 April 2022 / Accepted: 29 September 2022 / Published online: 2 November 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2022


Abstract Thispaper aims to evaluate the general code
spectrum of the Iranian code of practice for seismicresistant
design of buildings. The general code spectrum
at nine sites with different site classes within the
mega city of Tehran is compared with those of ASCE
7–16 and a site-specific design spectrum. It is shown
that though the general code spectrum offered by the
Iranian code captures far-field site spectra, it cannot
address the motion on the bedrock for some of the nearfault
sites and thus may not be conservative for nearfault
sites of classes B and C. Consideration of proper
near-fault correction factors would make the general
code spectrum more conservative, as shown via the
case study in this paper. The base acceleration on bedrock
of the Iranian code is recommended to be a function
of the site-to-source distance. In line with ASCE7–16, the base acceleration can be defined for a short
and long period, being adjusted for directivity effects.

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