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A Seismic Microzonation Study with Geotechnical Aspects on the New Construction Sites in Ardabil, Ir

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A Seismic Microzonation Study with Geotechnical Aspects on the New Construction Sites in Ardabil, Iran

Original Article, D65
Arjmand Noshahr A., Nouri G., Negahdar R., Sadeghi R.
J. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(4): 430-434. 2014

ABSTRACT: Due to development of constructions in Ardabil city in northwest of Iran and placement of it on the alluvium, seismic and geotechnical hazards assessment on the construction sites are needed. It specifies areas with a high seismic and geotechnical hazards that will ultimately lead to the development of urbanity codes. Hence, the most significant faults in the vicinity of city within circle with radius of 150 km collected. Through the deterministic risk analysis, the design acceleration is obtained. In this paper, according to the geotechnical boreholes and tests to a depth of 40 meters in different parts of the city, beside deterministic risk analysis, ground response analyses using appropriate acceleration time histories based on Iranian seismic code 2800 for the construction sites of the city are performed. Using the data from geotechnical measurements, soil types in the different areas are designated. The soil types in the most parts of studied area are classified as type III of the standard 2800 classification. Comparison of the obtained acceleration with the proposed peak ground acceleration of 0.3g of standard 2800, showed that almost 40% of the grid elements exhibit PGA values of 0.3 g to 0.4 g and 25% exhibit PGA values of more than 0.4 g. The dense granular alluviums and some with high stiffness experience the lowest PGA of about less than 0.3g.
Key words: Hazard, Design Earthquake, Site Response, Microzonation


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