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Examine the Effect Height on Changing Intermediate Flexural Frames Performance Level after Adding Ou

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Examine the Effect Height on Changing Intermediate Flexural Frames Performance Level after Adding Outward-Oriented Vestibule Braces

Original Article, D73
Khaksefidi S., Ghalehnovi M., Rahdar H. A., Rezaee M..
J. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(4): 485-491. 2014

ABSTRACT: Considering the inability to design techniques based on force the predicted nonlinear behavior of members, arising from the non-linear properties of materials and the importance of design resistant structure against dynamic loads, such as earthquake force, in-in recent years the tendency of engineers and designers are increasing the use of design methods, based on the displacement and behaviour (design based on performance). Speed and a lot of materials and task force, has led to the construction of steel structures in the countries to expand. Moreover, the presence Iran on the seismic belt ALpayd, more need to study the behaviour of these structures and them resistant design becomes more apparent. On the other hand, construction special flexural frames, recommended by most regulations for use in high seismic zones, it may not, by Non-specialist workforce; Thus, flexural frame, mostly, are constructed from median flexural that using it alone is not suitable in high seismic zones. Therefore, for ease of implementation, often, the first proposals for strengthening these frames is to add brace to them. Also, the urban development and housing demand, shortage of suitable land for urban development alters the pattern of buildings to the high-rise building construction. In this study, with regarding architectural considerations, the effect height at changing flexural steel frames performance level after adding outward-oriented vestibule braces under nonlinear static loading is examined. Capacity spectrum method (CSM) in ATC-40 to obtain performance level was used. SAP2000 software was used for modeling and analysis.
Keywords: Flexural Frame, Nonlinear Behavior , Nonlinear Static, Outward-Oriented Brace


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