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Experimental Study on the Seismic Behavior of Retrofitted Concrete Infill

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Experimental Study on the Seismic Behavior of Retrofitted Concrete Infill

Original Article, D77
Moghaddam H., Vahedian V.
J. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(5):
515-521. 2014

ABSTRACT: Nowadays, Infill is widely used in retrofitting structures. Low sensitivity to construction quality is one of the advantages of concrete infill in comparison to other methods such as the application of steel braces. On the other hand, there are some weak points in this method mainly like sudden and brittle fracture in the corner which causes serious degradation. Due to such a weak point, concrete infill could not attract researchers so much and a limited number of studies were thus conducted on them. The experimental behavior of concrete infill with a scale of 1/2 was studied under cyclic and monotonic loading. This research includes three experiments: 1- compound frame consisted of steel frame and simple concrete infill, 2- a steel frame with concrete infill included confined corner 3- the third model encompasses second model accompanied with frictional sliding fuse (FSF). Results show that a Strengthened corner delays corner fracture to a great extent but the fracture still happens and causes much degradation. A frictional sliding fuse not only delays infill fracture to a great extent but also prevent degradation after failure of the corner. The used FSF also acts as a friction damper and increases the area of the hysteresis loops of the compound frames and consequently increases energy absorption.
Key words: Concrete Infill, Frictional Sliding Fuse, Retrofitting, Strengthening


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