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Simulation of Thermal Stratification and Salinity in Dam Reservoir Using CE-QUAL-W2 Software (Case s

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Simulation of Thermal Stratification and Salinity in Dam Reservoir Using CE-QUAL-W2 Software (Case study: Baft Dam).

Ebrahimi M., Jabbari E., Abbasi H.

J. Civil Eng. Urban., 5(1): 07-11, 2015; pii:S225204301500002-5


Thermal stratification and salinity is one of the most important problems which affect quality of the reserved waters in dams. In the present research, using the 2D and hydrodynamic software CE-QUAL-W2 and given the different flows (low water, normal and high water), thermal stratification and salinity have been studied. It has been concluded that a thermal stratification occurs for 9 months of the year, which starts in early April and reaches its peak in August and September (with a temperature difference of about 19℃ between super stratums an substratum), while complete mixing occurs mostly in February to March. In addition, the results suggest presence of salinity stratification simultaneous with thermal stratification. The greatest amount of salinity is found to be 307mg/L which given the desirable maximum (i.e.500mg/L) indicates a desirable state for the Baft dam reservoir in terms of drinking and agricultural water. Also water quality in the intakes of the Baft dam has been investigated which for a major part indicates the water’s desirable quality in the intakes. To increase quality of the Baft dam reservoir and to prevent its short life, such actions as discharge of the lower layers in September (thermal stratification peak) and in January (before mixing process), disturbing the thermal stratification created in the reservoir and the output water aeration from the intakes by the conventional methods can be taken.
Keywords: Baft dam, CE-QUAL-W2 Software, Thermal Stratification, Salinity

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