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Determination of Optimal Dimensions of Concrete Gravity Dams Using LINGO11 Nonlinear Modeling.

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Determination of Optimal Dimensions of Concrete Gravity Dams Using LINGO11 Nonlinear Modeling.

Ghodousi H., Oskouhi M.

J. Civil Eng. Urban., 5(2): 47-52, 2015; pii:S225204301500010-5


Today, the economic considerations is an important factor in the selection of water resources projects, hence the attempt to minimize the economic costs of the project is essential. Typically, concrete gravity dams are more expensive than other dams, Thus by optimization of the dimensions of these types of dams, in order to reduce the volume of concrete, the project will be more economical. In this study, in order to optimize the dimensions of Koyna concrete gravity dam, the various forces that are applied on the dam were considered and were used from the nonlinear programming model in LINGO11 software. The results shown that, by optimization of the dimensions of Koyna dam, the volume of concrete used in dam construction is reduced and this project will be more economical. The Volume of concrete used in the construction of the Koyna dam in the existing state is equal to 3633m3 and at optimal state is equal to 3551m3. The result of optimization of dimensions of Koyna dam, shown that the volume of concrete was reduced about 82m3. The results show that reduction of 2.26 percent of the volume of concrete used in dam construction, that is, economic in the high costs of dams’ construction.
Keywords: Optimal Section, Concrete Gravity Dams, Nonlinear Programming, Koyna Dam

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