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Storage Spaces (Neighborhoods), Residential (Case Study: Naeem Abad Streets of Yazd, Iran).

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Storage Spaces (Neighborhoods), Residential (Case Study: Naeem Abad Streets of Yazd, Iran).

Karamooz E., Fakharzadeh Z., Miri Z.

J. Civil Eng. Urban., 5(2): 53-62, 2015; pii:S225204301500011-5


During recent decades, in order to enhance the citizens’ presence in urban areas and consequently underlying increment of social interactions, mitigation of local streets has become a new urbanism movement. Therefore, developed states or even many developing countries have attempted to more humanize their urban environments. Thus, these efforts are considered normal nowadays. However, unfortunately urban design and planning in our country tends to vehicles dominance. This is neglected especially in residential areas having the task of providing a safe and secured environment for residents, ensuring their comfort. This study, therefore, aims at contribution to understanding of mitigation techniques and providing practical measures and solutions towards mitigating, adjusting and securing local streets, applied in a case study (Naeem Abad Street in the city of Yazd). The descriptive research method has been used to identify mitigation techniques in the stage of principles formulation by citing to library resources. Analytical research methodology has been used in status measurement phase. Finally, determining the coefficients of each index and their valuation has been done in Expert Choice software in order to evaluate alternatives. The results showed that Naeem Abad Street as a linear center and main crossway of the neighborhood lacks required adjusting and securing measures, bringing about numerous problems to pedestrians traffic. Accordingly, the most important achievement of this research is providing design solutions and practical measures in form of proposed selected option for mitigation, adjusting and securing of Naeem Abad Street.
Key words: Mitigation, Secure, Adjusting, Naeem Abad Street, Yazd

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