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Ecological Design Process, the Way Toward Improve Modern Sustainable Architectural Design.

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Ecological Design Process, the Way Toward Improve Modern Sustainable Architectural Design.

Feizi M., Ahmadi J., Ahmadi M.

J. Civil Eng. Urban., 5(2): 77-82, 2015; pii:S225204301500014-5


Nowadays the main question of designers is about the consequences of their activities on the natural environment that how should be designed the built environment which not to destroy nature. Due to energy and environmental crisis conditions of present age, it is essential that instead of imitating the techniques of sustainable architecture, to be dealt with a more radical and looked for answer not in the design itself but in the point of view to that. The reason of existing architecture instability Can be connected to the lack of designer’s sufficient knowledge of the current situation, inability to categorize and organize their vast architectural information and field of design with the principles of sustainability. The problem could be related to deficiency of a specific design process and lock of holistic and sustainable design approach by the designers. The appropriate design in educational or in commercial architecture requires accurate and systematic process from beginning to the end. The main question of this research that is a logical argument with qualitative- interpretation approach using by library is how could specify the path of the design and promote the theoretical foundation step by step in order to develop suitable architecture. The main assumption in this research is how the design principles is more accurate and predetermined consequently the results is more desirable. Such principles could be found in ecological design. The objective of this work is the present a procedure of modern sustainable architectural design with the title of ecological design which has been introduced by Malaysian architecture Ken-Yeang. Based on the mentioned method, the process of design was presented in form of a table to make the designer to be capable to the accurate and classified design.
Keywords: Ecology, Built Environment, Sustainable Architecture, Ecological Design.

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