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Study on Bus Transportation System and Its Role in Urban Traffic (Case Study: Dezful City, Iran).

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Study on Bus Transportation System and Its Role in Urban Traffic (Case Study: Dezful City, Iran).

Hormati, L.

J. Civil Eng. Urban., 5(3): 131-135, 2015; pii:S225204301500022-5


In regard of the ever-increasing development of the cities and the urban services, the citizens’ welfare has been more attended. The public transport affords to avoid any citizen’s wasting time and satisfy them by providing services, thus such issues have had the urban practitioners’ special attention for the urban transportation planning. The bus stop delay in the bus stations is one of the parameters affecting the quality of the transportation planning in the bus transportation system. For the purpose of identifying the bus stop delay factors and its accurate prediction, in addition to the more accurate schedules, the proper policies should be taken to reduce bus stop delay and increase the passengers’ satisfaction, while waiting or being transported in the stations. This study aims to investigate many solutions for the public transportation and the bus transportation system in Dezful city in order to reduce traffic and delays at the highest level of quality and elegance having sense of safety and comfort for the users. This research was conducted by survey. According to the questions in the questionnaires given to the bus drivers in Dezful city and the bus passengers, it is indicated that there is some delay in Dezful city bus network for reaching the bus station, which has had some troubles, e.g. the lack of park and ride routes causing many motorcycle, car and walker accidents as well as the high traffic and bus delays and finally the factors refrain from the bus network in Dezful city include the personal vehicles, waste of time when using the bus, crowdedness in busses and inadequate space in busses and the higher use of taxi.
Keywords: Transportation, Bus Network, Bus Station, Traffic, Vehicles, Dezful

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