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High-mode effects on seismic performance of multi-story self-centering braced steel frames

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High-mode effects on seismic performance of multi-story self-centering braced steel frames
Can-Xing Qiu, Songye Zhu ⁎
a The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen, China
b Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong


Seismic-resisting, multi-story steel frames with self-centering braces (SCBs) are numerically investigated through pushover and ncremental dynamic analyses. The seismic performance of self-centering braced frames (SC-BFs) is systematically compared with that of buckling-restrained braced frames (BRBFs), with emphasis on high-mode effect. The concentration of inter-story drift in the upper part of the buildings is more significant in SC-BFs than in BRBFs as a result of this effect. This high-mode effect strengthens with the increasing intensity of ground motions. Parametric studies indicate that increasing the post-yield stiffness ratio and/or energy dissipation capacity can successfully improve the seismic performance of SC-BFs, particularly in terms of limiting the high-mode effect. SC-BFs with enhanced post-yield stiffness and energy dissipation capacity exhibit relatively uniform inter-story drift ratios and reduced record-to-record variability in seismic performance.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Multi-story steel frame
Self-centering brace (SCB)
High-mode effect
Post-yield stiffness ratio
Energy dissipation capacity

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