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Validated finite element techniques for quasi-static cyclic response analyses of braced frames at su

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Validated finite element techniques for quasi-static cyclic response analyses of braced frames at sub-member scales

M. Lotfollahi a,1, M.M. Alinia a,2, E. Taciroglu b,⇑,2
a Department of Civil Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
b Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA

a b s t r a c t
In this study, a numerically robust finite element procedure is described, which is based on explicit
time-stepping, for high-fidelity simulations of inelastic and post-buckling cyclic responses of braced
frame systems. The use of an explicit time-stepping method with properly chosen increments permits
accurate results while avoiding (implicit) equilibrium iterations throughout the entire loading history,
during which multiple yielding and buckling events occur. A number of essential techniques for properly
calibrating the discrete models and to constrain their responses in order to obtain quasi-static outcomes
are provided. The procedure is globally and locally validated (verified) using experimental data (implicit
numerical simulations) from three types of specimens—namely, individual braces, and single and
multi-story braced frame systems with diagonal and X-brace arrangements—under both monotonic
and cyclic loading protocols. Results from these validation and verification studies indicate that the proposed
simulation methodology can accurately capture sub-member (i.e., plastic hinges), member, and
system behavior very accurately; and thus, it can be confidently used—e.g., as a virtual laboratory—to predict
the responses of braced frames with configurations and dimensions other than those tested, and to
seek optimum designs beyond those offered by basic guidelines.
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Finite element verification and validation
Dynamic explicit analysis
Static implicit analysis
Quasi-static solution
Braced frame systems
Cyclic loading


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