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Scoping prediction of re-radiated ground-borne noise and vibration
near high speed rail lines with variable soils
D.P. Connolly a,n, G. Kouroussis b, P.K. Woodward a, A. Giannopoulos c,
O. Verlinden b, M.C. Forde c
a Heriot-Watt University, Institute for Infrastructure & Environment, Edinburgh, UK
b Department of Theoretical Mechanics, Dynamics and Vibrations, University of Mons, 31 Boulevard Dolez, B-7000 Mons, Belgium
c University of Edinburgh, Institute for Infrastructure and Environment, School of Engineering, AGB Building, The Kings Buildings, Edinburgh, UK


a b s t r a c t
This paper outlines a vibration prediction tool, ScopeRail, capable of predicting in-door noise and
vibration, within structures in close proximity to high speed railway lines. The tool is designed to rapidly
predict vibration levels over large track distances, while using historical soil information to increase
accuracy. Model results are compared to an alternative, commonly used, scoping model and it is found
that ScopeRail offers higher accuracy predictions. This increased accuracy can potentially reduce the cost of vibration environmental impact assessments for new high speed rail lines To develop the tool, a three-dimensional finite element model is first outlined capable of simulating vibration generation and propagation from high speed rail lines. A vast array of model permutations are computed to assess the effect of each input parameter on absolute ground vibration levels. These relations are analysed using a machine learning approach, resulting in a model that can instantly predict ground vibration levels in the presence of different train speeds and soil profiles. Then a collection of empirical factors are coupled with the model to allow for the prediction of structural vibration and indoor
noise in buildings located near high speed lines. Additional factors are also used to enable the
prediction of vibrations in the presence of abatement measures (e.g. ballast mats and floating slab tracks)
and additional excitation mechanisms (e.g. wheelflats and switches/crossings).
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


High speed rail vibration
Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
Initial vibration assessment
Structural vibration
In-door noise
Scoping assessment
High speed train
Urban railway

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